~ mini pelamin pertunangan ~

salam n hye all....

live from Sarawak...yup im already here...pray for me k..

just to share with all of u my DIY mini pelamin for my lovely sis' engagement...:)

congratz sis!

~ DIY Hantaran Pertunangan 22.12.12 ~

salam n hye all....

just a short update maybe coz i have lots of works to be done in a short time.
presenting my DIY Hantaran for my sis' engagement day on 22.12.12....

dari pihak kami

sirih junjung

hantaran buah

hantaran baju nikah

hantaran tuala

hantaran air tin

hantaran coklat

hantaran baju kemeja

hantaran seluar

dari pihak laki 

hantaran sirih junjung

hantaran kain batik

hantaran baju

hantaran cincin

hantaran coklat

hantaran buah

hanataran kek

~ i'm a book lover ~

salam n hye all....

how r u guys???....yarr...it'd been a while i didnt write entry here...quite busy even though it's a school holiday...im sure that all my friends spend their time and cherish the remaining holidays with their families at home...some went for vacation and some were happily being housewife for their beloved hubby....congratz newly wedsss!!!!

these r basically what i've  been doing during this school break:

1) try to complete tudung saji ordered by mum's friends...about 5 orders...
2) busy doing hantaran and preparation for my sis' engagement next week.
3) prepare paper work for Year 6 Motivation Programme which will b held on the first day of school.
4) get ready for the syllabus or HSP for English, P. Moral, P.Muzik and PSV subject....yarrr im going to teach those subjects next year...

oh well, yesterday, i went to Big Bad Wolf Books Sales at Mines with my lil bro n elder sis for two days...both of them are not into books compared to me who's a book lover...
i bought these book which costed me less than a hundred....really really worth it..:)

the first book that i managed to read was the blue one entitled 'Pregnancy questions and answers' that attracted me the most...

belum kwin lg dh buat preparation kan...
so will u marry me??

~ SAVE THE DATE (22.12.12) ~

now busy doing this...specially for my dearest sis..hope she'll like it..
