salam everyone....
last night, i told one of my friends that im so worried bout dr.Walid's paper for i knw he's unpredictable lecturer....the answers or explanation given today sometimes are not the same as yesterday thus getting me into troubles...
my friend soothed me down by saying that "grades don't measure intelligence"...i do agree with her and already had it in mind since i ws in school....
hurm....can i say grades do measure diligence?....diligent, intelligent or else?..which category are u in? least try to grade urself otherwise, u r like an empty tin that's produced by a factory called university.....
sometimes...we tend to memorize info and not necessarily knowledge for we didn't understand them first....we just poured them during exams...
sometimes...we put hard work, trying to comprehend them first, but still failed to do well in exam for we didn't know how to tackle the exam questions...
Saya tidak tahu apa kunci kejayaan, tapi kunci kegagalan adalah mencuba untuk membuat semua orang senang....
last night, i told one of my friends that im so worried bout dr.Walid's paper for i knw he's unpredictable lecturer....the answers or explanation given today sometimes are not the same as yesterday thus getting me into troubles...
my friend soothed me down by saying that "grades don't measure intelligence"...i do agree with her and already had it in mind since i ws in school....
hurm....can i say grades do measure diligence?....diligent, intelligent or else?..which category are u in? least try to grade urself otherwise, u r like an empty tin that's produced by a factory called university.....
sometimes...we tend to memorize info and not necessarily knowledge for we didn't understand them first....we just poured them during exams...
sometimes...we put hard work, trying to comprehend them first, but still failed to do well in exam for we didn't know how to tackle the exam questions...
Saya tidak tahu apa kunci kejayaan, tapi kunci kegagalan adalah mencuba untuk membuat semua orang senang....
salam ieda..i think that's normal for students like us...worrying about our grades coz its effect how people see us..but one lesson i've got from all these years, that knowledge at last will able to guide you throughout ur life..yes, it's important that u memorize them,n it's more important for u to reflect upon them.becuz that is the sign that u gain them, try to believe in urself..its ok if ur grades isnt gud as anyone else, but u hve to know that effort actually counted..maybe we are still learning, then everybdy will have the same feeling..rajin, pastu malas,pastu rajin balik...juz get it slow BUT steady!!knowledge dat got blessing from Allah is the most beneficial one..pray to HIM that's the most important..apalah sangat pandangan manusia berbanding pandangan Allah...kan2?=)
yup2..i do agree with u...knowledge that's acquired krn Allah isyaAllah will be retained longer...let's mke it beneficial by prctising or applying it in our daily life...not only for the sake of the exams...:)
selamat beramal~