6:41 PM
By iedasyahidah
salam and morning peeps!!
i was awaken by the sound of my bro's car. alhamdulillah, thank God i could still breathe Your free fresh air today...last nyte, i was worried so much till i felt like i wouldnt meet Tuesday. alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah.
i was already in bed at 11.30pm last nyte purposely to get some rest but my eyes were still wide opened till 2a.m i guessed. it's not because i was not feeling sleepy. i felt exhausted since the past few days. i know i'd be easily falling asleep when i felt so tired but it's not for yesterday. the pain kept hitting me which lasted for about 2 hours. i couldnt wait for my bro's big day to end soon as i have to attend an appointment with a specialist 3 days after his reception.a big BUT here, that appointment was not meant for the pain which was like killing me last nyte. it's another pain and maybe for another specialist?....Nauzubillah.
i tried to bear it alone last nyte. i constantly reminded to myself not to tell my parents. they'd already known about this since i was back in UIA. like i said before, i'd been going through check up, appointments, ultrasound what else? the result was always 'nothing's wrong' ....plus, i wouldnt burden them as they also got health problems. dad just involved in an accident last Friday. thanx God it's only a minor accident. but still, he got wounds and scratches on his limbs. he already got injection and i hope nothing serious happen later on. however, yesterday i heard his conversation with mum. He guessed a change of temperature inside her mouth. and i realized it's a sign of having fever....it seemed to be getting worsen when mum complaint that she always felt dizzy lately...my younger sis who's at the hostel is now having fever.
it's only 10 days left...oh Allah, grant us good health. i begged for Your help.
banyak sungguh ujian yang diberikanNya semoga ia dapat menghapuskan dosa-dosa kecil kami. Ameen....
i was awaken by the sound of my bro's car. alhamdulillah, thank God i could still breathe Your free fresh air today...last nyte, i was worried so much till i felt like i wouldnt meet Tuesday. alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah.
i was already in bed at 11.30pm last nyte purposely to get some rest but my eyes were still wide opened till 2a.m i guessed. it's not because i was not feeling sleepy. i felt exhausted since the past few days. i know i'd be easily falling asleep when i felt so tired but it's not for yesterday. the pain kept hitting me which lasted for about 2 hours. i couldnt wait for my bro's big day to end soon as i have to attend an appointment with a specialist 3 days after his reception.a big BUT here, that appointment was not meant for the pain which was like killing me last nyte. it's another pain and maybe for another specialist?....Nauzubillah.
i tried to bear it alone last nyte. i constantly reminded to myself not to tell my parents. they'd already known about this since i was back in UIA. like i said before, i'd been going through check up, appointments, ultrasound what else? the result was always 'nothing's wrong' ....plus, i wouldnt burden them as they also got health problems. dad just involved in an accident last Friday. thanx God it's only a minor accident. but still, he got wounds and scratches on his limbs. he already got injection and i hope nothing serious happen later on. however, yesterday i heard his conversation with mum. He guessed a change of temperature inside her mouth. and i realized it's a sign of having fever....it seemed to be getting worsen when mum complaint that she always felt dizzy lately...my younger sis who's at the hostel is now having fever.
it's only 10 days left...oh Allah, grant us good health. i begged for Your help.
banyak sungguh ujian yang diberikanNya semoga ia dapat menghapuskan dosa-dosa kecil kami. Ameen....
9:10 PM
By iedasyahidah
salam and hye all...
sudah lama rasanya tidak menulis...terasa sedikit kekok...lebih-lebih lagi kali ini aku menulis di atas meja makan di dapur...jarang sekali aku menggunakan laptop di dapur melainkan jika ingin try resipi-resipi baru setelah agak bosan makan lauk yang sama setiap minggu...kali ini bukan sebab ingin mencuba resipi yang baru. tapi kerana bosan menunggu ayam dan kentang empuk. hari ini terasa malas untuk memasak. tapi kerana family, aku gagahkan jugak. kerana malas, aku decide untuk masak hanya sup ayam....oh ayam senang empuk tapi kentang agak lambat. aku telah insaf setelah beberapa kali dimarahi...dimarahi?ditegur oleh ayah kerana kentang selalu tak empuk bila beliau makan. aku malas menunggu actually...sudah beberapa kali jugak ditegur kerana masak lauk yang kurang pedas. pernah suatu ketika dulu aku masak ayam masak lemak cili padi tapi kurang pedas sebab aku dan adik tak suka makan makanan yang pedas kerana ia akan membantutkan selera makan kami.. lebih-lebih lagi aku dalam proses untuk menggemukkan diri so kena menyelerakan diri. mak pernah juga menegur kalau masak kena pedas sdikit lagi-lagi kalau xde sambal. nanti jadi orang alor gajah kena ikut cita rasa orang nogori kata mereka. merujuk kepada diriku yang sedang berteman rapat dengan orang alor gajah.Ehem..ehem...Mum, dad, i cooked for our families this time round not yet for alor gajah people la...:)
dan oleh sebab itu, aku letak cili padi dalam sup ayamku...
oh sudah siap sup ayamku...nasi pun sudah masak terasa ingin berhenti menaip di sini....banyak lagi kerja yang perlu di setelkan....tk care you allll...:)
sudah lama rasanya tidak menulis...terasa sedikit kekok...lebih-lebih lagi kali ini aku menulis di atas meja makan di dapur...jarang sekali aku menggunakan laptop di dapur melainkan jika ingin try resipi-resipi baru setelah agak bosan makan lauk yang sama setiap minggu...kali ini bukan sebab ingin mencuba resipi yang baru. tapi kerana bosan menunggu ayam dan kentang empuk. hari ini terasa malas untuk memasak. tapi kerana family, aku gagahkan jugak. kerana malas, aku decide untuk masak hanya sup ayam....oh ayam senang empuk tapi kentang agak lambat. aku telah insaf setelah beberapa kali dimarahi...dimarahi?ditegur oleh ayah kerana kentang selalu tak empuk bila beliau makan. aku malas menunggu actually...sudah beberapa kali jugak ditegur kerana masak lauk yang kurang pedas. pernah suatu ketika dulu aku masak ayam masak lemak cili padi tapi kurang pedas sebab aku dan adik tak suka makan makanan yang pedas kerana ia akan membantutkan selera makan kami.. lebih-lebih lagi aku dalam proses untuk menggemukkan diri so kena menyelerakan diri. mak pernah juga menegur kalau masak kena pedas sdikit lagi-lagi kalau xde sambal. nanti jadi orang alor gajah kena ikut cita rasa orang nogori kata mereka. merujuk kepada diriku yang sedang berteman rapat dengan orang alor gajah.Ehem..ehem...Mum, dad, i cooked for our families this time round not yet for alor gajah people la...:)
dan oleh sebab itu, aku letak cili padi dalam sup ayamku...
oh sudah siap sup ayamku...nasi pun sudah masak terasa ingin berhenti menaip di sini....banyak lagi kerja yang perlu di setelkan....tk care you allll...:)
5:42 PM
By iedasyahidah
salam and hye all...
morning....been very busy but still could spend insyaAllah only 10 minutes to write on this 'cool blog'...yup, i called this blog as 'cool blog' as i named it in one of my bookmarks list for web browser in my phone. i love anything which is cool including drinking the cool blog. till my younger bro once said to me "asik2 cool blog, dah muak da"..last time i tried their Cendol blog + apple jelly and it tasted good. but my bro love the grape jelly more. in all, vanilla oreo blog always wins my heart.
okay enough for the drink. i would like to quote a FB status of one of my senior's:
4) Pemerkasaan Bakal Guru
5) Mansuhkan GSTT/KPLI/DPLI
i would love to LIKE LIKE LIKE the fifth. it's not because of being intolerant but it's more to our RIGHT! we had been training for 6 years compared to them who were simply ought to undergo 1 year training plus were given more money per month and simply got the place? everything is simple!
and the 6years-trainer tanam anggur for several months. do you think it's fair?
fikir-fikirkan dan selamat beramal....:)
morning....been very busy but still could spend insyaAllah only 10 minutes to write on this 'cool blog'...yup, i called this blog as 'cool blog' as i named it in one of my bookmarks list for web browser in my phone. i love anything which is cool including drinking the cool blog. till my younger bro once said to me "asik2 cool blog, dah muak da"..last time i tried their Cendol blog + apple jelly and it tasted good. but my bro love the grape jelly more. in all, vanilla oreo blog always wins my heart.
okay enough for the drink. i would like to quote a FB status of one of my senior's:
Makluman semua pelajar Pendidikan UIAM:
Hasil dari Konvensyen Mahasiswa Pendidikan Kebangsaan 2011 di UKM, 5 resolusi pragmatik telah berjaya disepakati oleh semua perwakilan mahasiswa pendidikan:
1) Mengembalikan Jaminan Penempatan Guru
2) Membuka Peluang Memohon Biasiswa Kepada Semua Pemegang Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan
3) Kepimpinan Baru Tidak Merubah Dasar Yang Sedia Ada Tanpa Melihat Dan M
engambil Pandangan PendidikHasil dari Konvensyen Mahasiswa Pendidikan Kebangsaan 2011 di UKM, 5 resolusi pragmatik telah berjaya disepakati oleh semua perwakilan mahasiswa pendidikan:
1) Mengembalikan Jaminan Penempatan Guru
2) Membuka Peluang Memohon Biasiswa Kepada Semua Pemegang Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan
3) Kepimpinan Baru Tidak Merubah Dasar Yang Sedia Ada Tanpa Melihat Dan M
4) Pemerkasaan Bakal Guru
5) Mansuhkan GSTT/KPLI/DPLI
i would love to LIKE LIKE LIKE the fifth. it's not because of being intolerant but it's more to our RIGHT! we had been training for 6 years compared to them who were simply ought to undergo 1 year training plus were given more money per month and simply got the place? everything is simple!
and the 6years-trainer tanam anggur for several months. do you think it's fair?
fikir-fikirkan dan selamat beramal....:)
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