6:41 PM
By iedasyahidah
salam and morning peeps!!
i was awaken by the sound of my bro's car. alhamdulillah, thank God i could still breathe Your free fresh air today...last nyte, i was worried so much till i felt like i wouldnt meet Tuesday. alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah.
i was already in bed at 11.30pm last nyte purposely to get some rest but my eyes were still wide opened till 2a.m i guessed. it's not because i was not feeling sleepy. i felt exhausted since the past few days. i know i'd be easily falling asleep when i felt so tired but it's not for yesterday. the pain kept hitting me which lasted for about 2 hours. i couldnt wait for my bro's big day to end soon as i have to attend an appointment with a specialist 3 days after his reception.a big BUT here, that appointment was not meant for the pain which was like killing me last nyte. it's another pain and maybe for another specialist?....Nauzubillah.
i tried to bear it alone last nyte. i constantly reminded to myself not to tell my parents. they'd already known about this since i was back in UIA. like i said before, i'd been going through check up, appointments, ultrasound what else? the result was always 'nothing's wrong' ....plus, i wouldnt burden them as they also got health problems. dad just involved in an accident last Friday. thanx God it's only a minor accident. but still, he got wounds and scratches on his limbs. he already got injection and i hope nothing serious happen later on. however, yesterday i heard his conversation with mum. He guessed a change of temperature inside her mouth. and i realized it's a sign of having fever....it seemed to be getting worsen when mum complaint that she always felt dizzy lately...my younger sis who's at the hostel is now having fever.
it's only 10 days left...oh Allah, grant us good health. i begged for Your help.
banyak sungguh ujian yang diberikanNya semoga ia dapat menghapuskan dosa-dosa kecil kami. Ameen....
i was awaken by the sound of my bro's car. alhamdulillah, thank God i could still breathe Your free fresh air today...last nyte, i was worried so much till i felt like i wouldnt meet Tuesday. alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah.
i was already in bed at 11.30pm last nyte purposely to get some rest but my eyes were still wide opened till 2a.m i guessed. it's not because i was not feeling sleepy. i felt exhausted since the past few days. i know i'd be easily falling asleep when i felt so tired but it's not for yesterday. the pain kept hitting me which lasted for about 2 hours. i couldnt wait for my bro's big day to end soon as i have to attend an appointment with a specialist 3 days after his reception.a big BUT here, that appointment was not meant for the pain which was like killing me last nyte. it's another pain and maybe for another specialist?....Nauzubillah.
i tried to bear it alone last nyte. i constantly reminded to myself not to tell my parents. they'd already known about this since i was back in UIA. like i said before, i'd been going through check up, appointments, ultrasound what else? the result was always 'nothing's wrong' ....plus, i wouldnt burden them as they also got health problems. dad just involved in an accident last Friday. thanx God it's only a minor accident. but still, he got wounds and scratches on his limbs. he already got injection and i hope nothing serious happen later on. however, yesterday i heard his conversation with mum. He guessed a change of temperature inside her mouth. and i realized it's a sign of having fever....it seemed to be getting worsen when mum complaint that she always felt dizzy lately...my younger sis who's at the hostel is now having fever.
it's only 10 days left...oh Allah, grant us good health. i begged for Your help.
banyak sungguh ujian yang diberikanNya semoga ia dapat menghapuskan dosa-dosa kecil kami. Ameen....
9:10 PM
By iedasyahidah
salam and hye all...
sudah lama rasanya tidak menulis...terasa sedikit kekok...lebih-lebih lagi kali ini aku menulis di atas meja makan di dapur...jarang sekali aku menggunakan laptop di dapur melainkan jika ingin try resipi-resipi baru setelah agak bosan makan lauk yang sama setiap minggu...kali ini bukan sebab ingin mencuba resipi yang baru. tapi kerana bosan menunggu ayam dan kentang empuk. hari ini terasa malas untuk memasak. tapi kerana family, aku gagahkan jugak. kerana malas, aku decide untuk masak hanya sup ayam....oh ayam senang empuk tapi kentang agak lambat. aku telah insaf setelah beberapa kali dimarahi...dimarahi?ditegur oleh ayah kerana kentang selalu tak empuk bila beliau makan. aku malas menunggu actually...sudah beberapa kali jugak ditegur kerana masak lauk yang kurang pedas. pernah suatu ketika dulu aku masak ayam masak lemak cili padi tapi kurang pedas sebab aku dan adik tak suka makan makanan yang pedas kerana ia akan membantutkan selera makan kami.. lebih-lebih lagi aku dalam proses untuk menggemukkan diri so kena menyelerakan diri. mak pernah juga menegur kalau masak kena pedas sdikit lagi-lagi kalau xde sambal. nanti jadi orang alor gajah kena ikut cita rasa orang nogori kata mereka. merujuk kepada diriku yang sedang berteman rapat dengan orang alor gajah.Ehem..ehem...Mum, dad, i cooked for our families this time round not yet for alor gajah people la...:)
dan oleh sebab itu, aku letak cili padi dalam sup ayamku...
oh sudah siap sup ayamku...nasi pun sudah masak terasa ingin berhenti menaip di sini....banyak lagi kerja yang perlu di setelkan....tk care you allll...:)
sudah lama rasanya tidak menulis...terasa sedikit kekok...lebih-lebih lagi kali ini aku menulis di atas meja makan di dapur...jarang sekali aku menggunakan laptop di dapur melainkan jika ingin try resipi-resipi baru setelah agak bosan makan lauk yang sama setiap minggu...kali ini bukan sebab ingin mencuba resipi yang baru. tapi kerana bosan menunggu ayam dan kentang empuk. hari ini terasa malas untuk memasak. tapi kerana family, aku gagahkan jugak. kerana malas, aku decide untuk masak hanya sup ayam....oh ayam senang empuk tapi kentang agak lambat. aku telah insaf setelah beberapa kali dimarahi...dimarahi?ditegur oleh ayah kerana kentang selalu tak empuk bila beliau makan. aku malas menunggu actually...sudah beberapa kali jugak ditegur kerana masak lauk yang kurang pedas. pernah suatu ketika dulu aku masak ayam masak lemak cili padi tapi kurang pedas sebab aku dan adik tak suka makan makanan yang pedas kerana ia akan membantutkan selera makan kami.. lebih-lebih lagi aku dalam proses untuk menggemukkan diri so kena menyelerakan diri. mak pernah juga menegur kalau masak kena pedas sdikit lagi-lagi kalau xde sambal. nanti jadi orang alor gajah kena ikut cita rasa orang nogori kata mereka. merujuk kepada diriku yang sedang berteman rapat dengan orang alor gajah.Ehem..ehem...Mum, dad, i cooked for our families this time round not yet for alor gajah people la...:)
dan oleh sebab itu, aku letak cili padi dalam sup ayamku...
oh sudah siap sup ayamku...nasi pun sudah masak terasa ingin berhenti menaip di sini....banyak lagi kerja yang perlu di setelkan....tk care you allll...:)
5:42 PM
By iedasyahidah
salam and hye all...
morning....been very busy but still could spend insyaAllah only 10 minutes to write on this 'cool blog'...yup, i called this blog as 'cool blog' as i named it in one of my bookmarks list for web browser in my phone. i love anything which is cool including drinking the cool blog. till my younger bro once said to me "asik2 cool blog, dah muak da"..last time i tried their Cendol blog + apple jelly and it tasted good. but my bro love the grape jelly more. in all, vanilla oreo blog always wins my heart.
okay enough for the drink. i would like to quote a FB status of one of my senior's:
4) Pemerkasaan Bakal Guru
5) Mansuhkan GSTT/KPLI/DPLI
i would love to LIKE LIKE LIKE the fifth. it's not because of being intolerant but it's more to our RIGHT! we had been training for 6 years compared to them who were simply ought to undergo 1 year training plus were given more money per month and simply got the place? everything is simple!
and the 6years-trainer tanam anggur for several months. do you think it's fair?
fikir-fikirkan dan selamat beramal....:)
morning....been very busy but still could spend insyaAllah only 10 minutes to write on this 'cool blog'...yup, i called this blog as 'cool blog' as i named it in one of my bookmarks list for web browser in my phone. i love anything which is cool including drinking the cool blog. till my younger bro once said to me "asik2 cool blog, dah muak da"..last time i tried their Cendol blog + apple jelly and it tasted good. but my bro love the grape jelly more. in all, vanilla oreo blog always wins my heart.
okay enough for the drink. i would like to quote a FB status of one of my senior's:
Makluman semua pelajar Pendidikan UIAM:
Hasil dari Konvensyen Mahasiswa Pendidikan Kebangsaan 2011 di UKM, 5 resolusi pragmatik telah berjaya disepakati oleh semua perwakilan mahasiswa pendidikan:
1) Mengembalikan Jaminan Penempatan Guru
2) Membuka Peluang Memohon Biasiswa Kepada Semua Pemegang Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan
3) Kepimpinan Baru Tidak Merubah Dasar Yang Sedia Ada Tanpa Melihat Dan M
engambil Pandangan PendidikHasil dari Konvensyen Mahasiswa Pendidikan Kebangsaan 2011 di UKM, 5 resolusi pragmatik telah berjaya disepakati oleh semua perwakilan mahasiswa pendidikan:
1) Mengembalikan Jaminan Penempatan Guru
2) Membuka Peluang Memohon Biasiswa Kepada Semua Pemegang Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan
3) Kepimpinan Baru Tidak Merubah Dasar Yang Sedia Ada Tanpa Melihat Dan M
4) Pemerkasaan Bakal Guru
5) Mansuhkan GSTT/KPLI/DPLI
i would love to LIKE LIKE LIKE the fifth. it's not because of being intolerant but it's more to our RIGHT! we had been training for 6 years compared to them who were simply ought to undergo 1 year training plus were given more money per month and simply got the place? everything is simple!
and the 6years-trainer tanam anggur for several months. do you think it's fair?
fikir-fikirkan dan selamat beramal....:)
6:52 PM
By iedasyahidah
salam 1 december n morning all...:)
hurm...recently, i always have something in mind to be poured down here but whenever i went online, there's like an obstruction that leading me not to do so. most people rarely write because of they dont know what and how to write but in my case, i have something to share, to talk about but the mood swings specifically the mood to write is always failed to be at its constant mode.so, blame the mood. ..:)
or maybe, the time constraint answers it well....like Hanis Zalikha wrote on her blog, she's so busy as one of her siblings is getting married. the same goes for me...its like im the one who are getting married. Things went from bad to worse when my sistersss couldnt be home early as the younger one just started her second sem while the older is busy preparing for thesis presentation for her master degree. thank God, it's now school holiday.i have my younger bro to lend me a hand.
since it's our first time, not only ours but first time for the Ibrahim clan which is dad's side, so we should think and prepare for most of things solely by ourselves...in fact, we learnt from experiences right? so, we are learning everyday. i couldnt wait for the event as i believed i would feel a huge surge of relief when it has ended. and would be feeling being rewarded when it run smoothly. Hopefully..:)
Do pray for ours and if anything happens in days to come, i still believe in Allah's fate. may Allah eases our way..:)
hurm...recently, i always have something in mind to be poured down here but whenever i went online, there's like an obstruction that leading me not to do so. most people rarely write because of they dont know what and how to write but in my case, i have something to share, to talk about but the mood swings specifically the mood to write is always failed to be at its constant mode.so, blame the mood. ..:)
or maybe, the time constraint answers it well....like Hanis Zalikha wrote on her blog, she's so busy as one of her siblings is getting married. the same goes for me...its like im the one who are getting married. Things went from bad to worse when my sistersss couldnt be home early as the younger one just started her second sem while the older is busy preparing for thesis presentation for her master degree. thank God, it's now school holiday.i have my younger bro to lend me a hand.
since it's our first time, not only ours but first time for the Ibrahim clan which is dad's side, so we should think and prepare for most of things solely by ourselves...in fact, we learnt from experiences right? so, we are learning everyday. i couldnt wait for the event as i believed i would feel a huge surge of relief when it has ended. and would be feeling being rewarded when it run smoothly. Hopefully..:)
Do pray for ours and if anything happens in days to come, i still believe in Allah's fate. may Allah eases our way..:)
4:42 PM
By iedasyahidah
salam and morning all...
i cant believe that im writing this morning entry.i rarely write after Subuh as i always equip the time with reading booksss....lots of book need to be read and for sure it is an extensive reading thus i enjoy doing it. instead, intensive reading will be only done when the exam is just around the corner.maybe no more intensive reading after this for no more examssss.....:)
while reading a book after performing my Subuh prayer, my heart told me that it craved for writing but my hand told me not to....i continued reading and i couldnt refrain myself not to follow my heart thus i ended up here..when im in the mood of writing, i would write excessively but i know people wouldnt read long entry unless it is informative and interesting. im not meant to be a writer therefore im lacking in that. i tried to produce one. InsyaAllah...
since the school holiday just started, trail of wedding cards from friends received and already put in my drawer or else they will be scattered everywhere. sadly, i think i cant attend all....or maybe i attend none. it's not because i didnt have the heart to go but it's all about the miles that matter. sorry in advance, friends.
hari berganti hari, bulan berganti bulan, tahun berganti tahun, dekad berganti dekad, abad berganti abad, penyatuan demi penyatuan dua hati diijabkabulkan....tidak lupa juga perpisahan demi perpisahan yang dilalui oleh segelintir kawan-kawan di saat orang lain memberi kad kawen masing-masing.....cerita demi cerita yang berpeluang untuk saya ikuti menjadikan saya takut, risau, curious apakah pengalaman yang dilalui saya sendiri berakhir dengan sad or happy ending? it's like a fairytale and for sure we opted for the second right? we never knw but HE knows well. we do plan and pray but HE is the one who decides. that's one of the compulsory words or sentences that i will utter whenever my friends shared her hard time.
kepada kawan2, jangan takut akan perpisahan, jangan menangisi perpisahan....
because everything happened for a reason......seperti yang pernah post di entry yang lalu
and remember this.....
i cant believe that im writing this morning entry.i rarely write after Subuh as i always equip the time with reading booksss....lots of book need to be read and for sure it is an extensive reading thus i enjoy doing it. instead, intensive reading will be only done when the exam is just around the corner.maybe no more intensive reading after this for no more examssss.....:)
while reading a book after performing my Subuh prayer, my heart told me that it craved for writing but my hand told me not to....i continued reading and i couldnt refrain myself not to follow my heart thus i ended up here..when im in the mood of writing, i would write excessively but i know people wouldnt read long entry unless it is informative and interesting. im not meant to be a writer therefore im lacking in that. i tried to produce one. InsyaAllah...
since the school holiday just started, trail of wedding cards from friends received and already put in my drawer or else they will be scattered everywhere. sadly, i think i cant attend all....or maybe i attend none. it's not because i didnt have the heart to go but it's all about the miles that matter. sorry in advance, friends.
hari berganti hari, bulan berganti bulan, tahun berganti tahun, dekad berganti dekad, abad berganti abad, penyatuan demi penyatuan dua hati diijabkabulkan....tidak lupa juga perpisahan demi perpisahan yang dilalui oleh segelintir kawan-kawan di saat orang lain memberi kad kawen masing-masing.....cerita demi cerita yang berpeluang untuk saya ikuti menjadikan saya takut, risau, curious apakah pengalaman yang dilalui saya sendiri berakhir dengan sad or happy ending? it's like a fairytale and for sure we opted for the second right? we never knw but HE knows well. we do plan and pray but HE is the one who decides. that's one of the compulsory words or sentences that i will utter whenever my friends shared her hard time.
kepada kawan2, jangan takut akan perpisahan, jangan menangisi perpisahan....
because everything happened for a reason......seperti yang pernah post di entry yang lalu
“Ya Allah…Engkau yang Maha tahu segalanya.
bila kehadiranku,menganggu hatinya,tidak membawa kebaikan padanya,maka kau pisahkanlah kami biarpun kami terluka
bila aku tak layak dan bukan yang terbaik untuknya maka kau jauhkanlah aku darinya
bila bukan aku yang tertulis untuk melengkapkan separuh dari agamanya,maka jarakkan kami agar tidak timbul rasa yang mengundang kecewa
bila aku bukan yang terbaik,bila aku bukan yang tercatat dalam takdir,dan bila dia berhak kepada yang lebih baik,maka jarakkan kami, pisahkan kami
jangan menangisi perpisahan,kelak DIA akan gantikan,dengan seseorang yang telah tercatat,dengan seseorang yang terbaik untuk dunia dan akhirat kamu.”
2:10 AM
By iedasyahidah
salam and hye all...
it'd been several weeks since my last post....im currently on my 1 month holiday and there's no reason for me not to write excessively....but, please bear in mind, im very busy preparing....hmm...like what i've told you before...do recall...hehe...
first of all, since i just finished my final exam, im gonna talk lil bit about it....yup i know by right, i shouldn't mention it here and like people say let bygones be bygones. but give me room to reflect upon it for maybe this is my last piece of writing regarding the exam as this final exam actually indicates the end of my study for degree. 6 years only for a degree, such a loo00o0ng time guys...however, im very very very grateful that i've made it...Alhamdulillah....semoga ilmu yang sedikit ini dapat digunakan dan diamalkan dalam mendidik anak bangsa...kawan saya pernah berpesan, walaupun kita sibuk mengejar degree, master, PHD dan sebagainya, jangan lupa kita menuntut ilmu akhirat seperti ilmu tajwid, fiqh, dll....and i know im lacking in those...insyaAllah, i'll improve myself as the time goes...
hmm...about the exam, frankly speaking, i found that this final exam was the worst exam i've ever had. i realized that since it was my last, i should perform well but i know Allah knows what the best for HIS servant. i've put a lot of effort into the exam but i couldnt answer the papers well....
whatever it is, more important to me is barakah or keberkatan sebelum, semasa dan selepas exam. okay, enough for that..
i started my holiday by reading these books....it is advisable to read both books especially for those who are getting married just soon. me?excluded...:)
but i really love to read books in which the content revolves around relationship...yup i do...everyone involves in relationship right? it might be among family members, friends, boyfriends, girlfriends etc...
lets talk about the first book, MEN are from MARS, WOMEN are from VENUS...it is highly recommended as it discusses on how to deal with the opposite sex since men and women have their own unique characteristics that makes them differ from each other. Could men and women complement each other well? how? this book somehow helpful...
the writer, John Gray pictured man and woman as two different people who come from different planets namely MARS and VENUS...there comes the title, MEN are from MARS, WOMEN from VENUS...how do they compatible to each other? through marriage, they will be living together not only on the same planet which is the EARTH but, under the same roof!!!
the part that i remember well is that it is stated that men will go to their 'cave' when they have their hard time. they want to be alone in order to calm themselves down and think of the solution. so, women dont try to intrude into the 'cave' or else, you will get hurt...thus, you need to leave them alone and just wait for their return after spending time in their 'cave'.
how bout the second book? by looking at the title, you can guess what's inside right? it's about marriage life, how to maintain it....penulis melihat perkahwinan sebagai medan untuk memberi, dan dengan itu, kita akan memikirkan soal PERANAN dan bukannya HAK yang tak berkesudahan.
what more, it's like a cliche when most people said that they wished to get married because they wanted to prevent themselves from committing zina or menghalalkan apa yang haram but based on the writer, we shoudnt think that way for it's actually more than that.....
"tidakkah mereka sedar cabaran tanggungjawab selepas berkahwin adalah lebih besar dan sulit daripada sekadar cabaran menolak zina?"
do read those books for they are complement to each other. even the writer of 'Aku terima Nikahnya' said so. He suggested to read 'MEN are from MARS, WOMEN are from VENUS" as there are topics discussed by him which related to the book....enjoy reading..:)
7:55 PM
By iedasyahidah
salam n hye all...
happy wednesday all!!...mood sangat okay since petang semalam till this morning..hope this current mood can be lasting for the next remaining hours before going back to the hostel....hostel? yup, im currently at home and that explains my happy feeling and good mood. tgkla ptg nanti balik hostel terus tak happy...kalau hostel macam UIA xpela....ada meja besar dan panjang yang amat selesa untuk study....room yang sangat privacy in which we can do whatever we want. we can switch on the light without having to feel afraid of distracting people who were sleeping soundly. you can tear your oreo packaging, sing your fav song loudly and maybe dance in your own room without worried of people eyeing on you. since the room is quite far from the corridor, you wont be awakened by the cleaner's voice shouting at their friends as well as wont be distracted by them dragging the garbage and the dustbins. yup, im easily awakened by sounds especially people's phone alarm unless im very very very tired.
and now im home...there's no need for me to worry about all these...there's only me and my younger sis as she's on her sem break and we share the same attributes. we are morning person. we woke up at almost the same time for performing our Subuh prayer. so there's no such thing of distracting one another. then, she loves to read books in the morning so there's no problem for me to switch on the light while doing revision.
what more, like last night, when i felt a lil bit tense of revising, i sat right in front of the TV and enjoyed my fav drama and other TV programme especially programmes that provide ample hilarious jokes which made me at least carving a smile while making overflowing notes. Johan (raja lawak) is my fav joker. never failed to make me laughing in every 2 minutes i guess. sometimes, by just looking at his face can make me smile without having him to utter a single word...last night, he was in Serasi Bersama...:)
i think that's enough for today....jom study...before study bersihkan diri dulu dengan solat taubat, banyakkan zikrullah dan membaca Al-quran untuk buang titik-titik hitam di hati supaya senang untuk menimba ilmu...(a reminder to myself too)...till then~
happy wednesday all!!...mood sangat okay since petang semalam till this morning..hope this current mood can be lasting for the next remaining hours before going back to the hostel....hostel? yup, im currently at home and that explains my happy feeling and good mood. tgkla ptg nanti balik hostel terus tak happy...kalau hostel macam UIA xpela....ada meja besar dan panjang yang amat selesa untuk study....room yang sangat privacy in which we can do whatever we want. we can switch on the light without having to feel afraid of distracting people who were sleeping soundly. you can tear your oreo packaging, sing your fav song loudly and maybe dance in your own room without worried of people eyeing on you. since the room is quite far from the corridor, you wont be awakened by the cleaner's voice shouting at their friends as well as wont be distracted by them dragging the garbage and the dustbins. yup, im easily awakened by sounds especially people's phone alarm unless im very very very tired.
and now im home...there's no need for me to worry about all these...there's only me and my younger sis as she's on her sem break and we share the same attributes. we are morning person. we woke up at almost the same time for performing our Subuh prayer. so there's no such thing of distracting one another. then, she loves to read books in the morning so there's no problem for me to switch on the light while doing revision.
what more, like last night, when i felt a lil bit tense of revising, i sat right in front of the TV and enjoyed my fav drama and other TV programme especially programmes that provide ample hilarious jokes which made me at least carving a smile while making overflowing notes. Johan (raja lawak) is my fav joker. never failed to make me laughing in every 2 minutes i guess. sometimes, by just looking at his face can make me smile without having him to utter a single word...last night, he was in Serasi Bersama...:)
i think that's enough for today....jom study...before study bersihkan diri dulu dengan solat taubat, banyakkan zikrullah dan membaca Al-quran untuk buang titik-titik hitam di hati supaya senang untuk menimba ilmu...(a reminder to myself too)...till then~
2:57 AM
By iedasyahidah
salam n hye all....
it'd been a while since my last post...n now i'm back!!!
im on my 1 week holiday and now, just 1 day left..as usual when sunday's approaching, i started to feel like not in a good mood.i hate Sunday as i need to prepare myself for hostel life. i longed for a loong holiday....yup mmg manusia tidak bersyukur!!!
lets wrap up what i've been doing recently...on the first day of my holiday, i already accompanied my bro n future sis-in-law to go to bridal shop, preparing for their big day since im the one who's assigned to be in-charge of the hantaran for both sides.. i decided to start hunting for the accessories earlier as im afraid of distracting my final exam this upcoming November. what more, it will be my last exam before holding my first degree thus i should give my best shot. InsyaAllah...
hurm...what else?
tiba-tiba rasa jealous dengan rakan-rakan seperjuangan yang telah grad pada usia yg sama dengan aku or lebih muda dari ku....lagi jeles bila ada dalam kalangan mereka yang telah berjaya mendapat first class and terus dapat further phd...how lucky they are!!!..tapi perasaan jeles aku bukan bermaksud dengki dengan kejayaan orang but more on being amazed by their success....
i managed to grab the chance to attend his convo and the only thing i could see was the happy feeling across the graduates' faces as well as his. it's like a victory for them. i know i'll be experiencing the same thing next year insyaAllah.
his convo was on 27 Oct. but i already in shah alam a day before as i didnt want him to rush to fetch me up in the morning on his convo day...i'd been staying at his frens' rented house for 3 days and 2 nights.within those days, i learnt a lot of new things in life. i learnt how to be independent, how to treat people well, how to be tolerant, how to be a good listener, how to struggle in achieving good things in life and learnt that not all strangers are bad people...what more, having a discussion and conversation about our respective experiences in life taught me on how to be grateful of what i have today. i learnt that there are people out there specifically some of his frens longed for being a teacher as well as becoming a Teslian. a few dislike science subject but they were forced me to take degree in science which differs from me who has great interest in science and maths but was forced to study language. like what he'd constantly reminded me that we need to be grateful and redha with things that Allah has granted us. DIA yg menentukan segala-galanya dan DIA yang beri rezeki kpd hamba-hambaNYA. dan ingatlah tidak semua yang kita suka adalah baik untuk kita dan tidak semua yang kita tak suka adalah xbaik untuk kita. HE is all-knowing.
so...be grateful, be grateful, be grateful, ida!!!
it'd been a while since my last post...n now i'm back!!!
im on my 1 week holiday and now, just 1 day left..as usual when sunday's approaching, i started to feel like not in a good mood.i hate Sunday as i need to prepare myself for hostel life. i longed for a loong holiday....yup mmg manusia tidak bersyukur!!!
lets wrap up what i've been doing recently...on the first day of my holiday, i already accompanied my bro n future sis-in-law to go to bridal shop, preparing for their big day since im the one who's assigned to be in-charge of the hantaran for both sides.. i decided to start hunting for the accessories earlier as im afraid of distracting my final exam this upcoming November. what more, it will be my last exam before holding my first degree thus i should give my best shot. InsyaAllah...
hurm...what else?
tiba-tiba rasa jealous dengan rakan-rakan seperjuangan yang telah grad pada usia yg sama dengan aku or lebih muda dari ku....lagi jeles bila ada dalam kalangan mereka yang telah berjaya mendapat first class and terus dapat further phd...how lucky they are!!!..tapi perasaan jeles aku bukan bermaksud dengki dengan kejayaan orang but more on being amazed by their success....
i managed to grab the chance to attend his convo and the only thing i could see was the happy feeling across the graduates' faces as well as his. it's like a victory for them. i know i'll be experiencing the same thing next year insyaAllah.
his convo was on 27 Oct. but i already in shah alam a day before as i didnt want him to rush to fetch me up in the morning on his convo day...i'd been staying at his frens' rented house for 3 days and 2 nights.within those days, i learnt a lot of new things in life. i learnt how to be independent, how to treat people well, how to be tolerant, how to be a good listener, how to struggle in achieving good things in life and learnt that not all strangers are bad people...what more, having a discussion and conversation about our respective experiences in life taught me on how to be grateful of what i have today. i learnt that there are people out there specifically some of his frens longed for being a teacher as well as becoming a Teslian. a few dislike science subject but they were forced me to take degree in science which differs from me who has great interest in science and maths but was forced to study language. like what he'd constantly reminded me that we need to be grateful and redha with things that Allah has granted us. DIA yg menentukan segala-galanya dan DIA yang beri rezeki kpd hamba-hambaNYA. dan ingatlah tidak semua yang kita suka adalah baik untuk kita dan tidak semua yang kita tak suka adalah xbaik untuk kita. HE is all-knowing.
so...be grateful, be grateful, be grateful, ida!!!
...congratz dear!!!..
enjoy this song
8:34 AM
By iedasyahidah
“Ya Allah…
Engkau yang Maha tahu segalanya.
bila kehadiranku,
menganggu hatinya,
tidak membawa kebaikan padanya,
maka kau pisahkanlah kami biarpun kami terluka
bila aku tak layak dan bukan yang terbaik untuknya
maka kau jauhkanlah aku darinya
bila bukan aku yang tertulis untuk melengkapkan separuh dari agamanya,
maka jarakkan kami agar tidak timbul rasa yang mengundang kecewa
bila aku bukan yang terbaik,
bila aku bukan yang tercatat dalam takdir,
dan bila dia berhak kepada yang lebih baik,
maka jarakkan kami, pisahkan kami
jangan menangisi perpisahan,
kelak DIA akan gantikan,
dengan seseorang yang telah tercatat,
dengan seseorang yang terbaik untuk dunia dan akhirat kamu.”
10:14 AM
By iedasyahidah
....last week was the fifth....i went for different docs all the while but none satisfied me. i wish i were a doc so that i could diagnose my own disease....
for the past two weeks, i acted normally in front of others. i smiled when people greeted me with a smile, i responded when people asked me bout the workloads. a few who were very concerned asking bout my current condition. at times, i didnt know how to answer them. i just responded that "i'm okay" simultaneously, i was actually telling lies.
plus, i realized that i wasn't in the good mood most of the times. sometimes, i isolated myself from others as i was afraid of showing my real condition to them, and worried of not being able to pretend that im okay for any longer. i needed space for myself and let me bear it alone. i'd been scolded by few people whom i knew cared about me.
dear families and friends, sory for everything. when i was physically sick, my mind as well as my emotion was not in a healthy state. thats why sometimes, i threw a massive tantrum to some of you, responded harshly and so forth. please bear in mind that i ddnt mean to do so thus dont put any grudge on me.
i could still remember, i rushed to the clinic as it hit me again and again. i asked for lecturer's permission to escape class and go back early.
i could still remember, i tried my very best to stop the tears from streaming down my cheeks as i couldnt stand it anymore.
i could still remember, i stopped reading my favourite series novel when it hit me again.
i could still remember, i couldnt focus in class even though my eyes were wide opened.
dear families and friends,
sorry for the fake smiles,
sorry for the fake laughs,
sorry for keeping up the pretence
all the while.....
for the past two weeks, i acted normally in front of others. i smiled when people greeted me with a smile, i responded when people asked me bout the workloads. a few who were very concerned asking bout my current condition. at times, i didnt know how to answer them. i just responded that "i'm okay" simultaneously, i was actually telling lies.
plus, i realized that i wasn't in the good mood most of the times. sometimes, i isolated myself from others as i was afraid of showing my real condition to them, and worried of not being able to pretend that im okay for any longer. i needed space for myself and let me bear it alone. i'd been scolded by few people whom i knew cared about me.
dear families and friends, sory for everything. when i was physically sick, my mind as well as my emotion was not in a healthy state. thats why sometimes, i threw a massive tantrum to some of you, responded harshly and so forth. please bear in mind that i ddnt mean to do so thus dont put any grudge on me.
i could still remember, i rushed to the clinic as it hit me again and again. i asked for lecturer's permission to escape class and go back early.
i could still remember, i tried my very best to stop the tears from streaming down my cheeks as i couldnt stand it anymore.
i could still remember, i stopped reading my favourite series novel when it hit me again.
i could still remember, i couldnt focus in class even though my eyes were wide opened.
dear families and friends,
sorry for the fake smiles,
sorry for the fake laughs,
sorry for keeping up the pretence
all the while.....
8:23 PM
By iedasyahidah
salam and hye everyone....
im back!!! sorry for the loooonnggg silent. i'd been busy lately....previously, i longed for enough sleep, eat, rest and so forth. now, i already got my own biological clock; enough sleep, eat and rest. thanx God...:)
i'm currently in my final year working on lotsss of lesson planning and microteaching all the while explains my silent. Being as the one who prepared, presented as well as observed my friends' microteaching, a lot of new knowledge was gained, new teaching styles and techniques were acquired which prepare me for my practicum next year and teaching years for the upcoming 30 years.
"teachers are born, not made?" or teachers are made, not born?"......from my personal view, i opted for the first one. this is because, i think teachers should have natural ability to teach...all people can teach but what make the difference between them is that the one who can teach effectively and able to engage with the pupils during teaching and learning process. I think the skills necessary for teaching are that of what you are born with and not all people are natural teachers. people who are born to be teachers will deliver her or his instruction and lesson well compared to people who are made to be teachers. and for some who are really into kids, they will also be naturally engaged with them thus they can be a good teacher.
in class, i could see only some of my friends are born to be teachers as they naturally acted in front of the class in delivering their lesson. Since all of my classmates are going to teach in primary school, our lecturer would prefer us to act accordingly. or in simple words, act childishly. the action and the body gestures are very important while teaching the children. don't be shy. reflecting upon myself, maybe im shy in front of my friends while conducting my microteaching but i hope that i won't be the same in front of my future pupils. InsyaAllah. pray for me...
im not passionate about teaching but i try to realize that i already towards the end of my journey...
im not a born teacher, im a 'made' one....:(
im back!!! sorry for the loooonnggg silent. i'd been busy lately....previously, i longed for enough sleep, eat, rest and so forth. now, i already got my own biological clock; enough sleep, eat and rest. thanx God...:)
i'm currently in my final year working on lotsss of lesson planning and microteaching all the while explains my silent. Being as the one who prepared, presented as well as observed my friends' microteaching, a lot of new knowledge was gained, new teaching styles and techniques were acquired which prepare me for my practicum next year and teaching years for the upcoming 30 years.
"teachers are born, not made?" or teachers are made, not born?"......from my personal view, i opted for the first one. this is because, i think teachers should have natural ability to teach...all people can teach but what make the difference between them is that the one who can teach effectively and able to engage with the pupils during teaching and learning process. I think the skills necessary for teaching are that of what you are born with and not all people are natural teachers. people who are born to be teachers will deliver her or his instruction and lesson well compared to people who are made to be teachers. and for some who are really into kids, they will also be naturally engaged with them thus they can be a good teacher.
in class, i could see only some of my friends are born to be teachers as they naturally acted in front of the class in delivering their lesson. Since all of my classmates are going to teach in primary school, our lecturer would prefer us to act accordingly. or in simple words, act childishly. the action and the body gestures are very important while teaching the children. don't be shy. reflecting upon myself, maybe im shy in front of my friends while conducting my microteaching but i hope that i won't be the same in front of my future pupils. InsyaAllah. pray for me...
im not passionate about teaching but i try to realize that i already towards the end of my journey...
im not a born teacher, im a 'made' one....:(
11:44 PM
By iedasyahidah
.....banyaknye habuk dan sarang labah-labah kat blog ni....,..
.......will update soon....:)
4:37 PM
By iedasyahidah
salam syawal....
walaupun agak lambat tapi nak wish gak selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin to all readers!...better late than never ye tak?...
sempena bulan baik ni, saya nak minta maaf jika ada salah dan silap, termengumpat, termengata kamu smua...nobody is perfect right?kira 0-0 la.
raya ni jemput datang rumah ye....rumah sentiasa terbuka...jangan lupa bagi duit raya bcoz maybe this year will be the last year dapat duit raya....enjoy your raya ok!!
walaupun agak lambat tapi nak wish gak selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin to all readers!...better late than never ye tak?...
sempena bulan baik ni, saya nak minta maaf jika ada salah dan silap, termengumpat, termengata kamu smua...nobody is perfect right?kira 0-0 la.
raya ni jemput datang rumah ye....rumah sentiasa terbuka...jangan lupa bagi duit raya bcoz maybe this year will be the last year dapat duit raya....enjoy your raya ok!!
9:44 AM
By iedasyahidah
salam 27th Ramadhan.....
Al-Fatihah buat arwah Imam Nordin Abdullah yg telah kembali ke rahmatullah pada 24/8 yg lalu...selepas solat terawikh n majis khatam Al-Quran tadi,ade tahlil untuk arwah dan mengingatkan kembali jasa dan pengorbanan beliau...
Al-Fatihah buat arwah Imam Nordin Abdullah yg telah kembali ke rahmatullah pada 24/8 yg lalu...selepas solat terawikh n majis khatam Al-Quran tadi,ade tahlil untuk arwah dan mengingatkan kembali jasa dan pengorbanan beliau...
during bro's engagement 24/7/2011.....imam Nordin menggantikan Sidang Kassim wakil untuk ke rumah perempuan....genap sebulan selepas tu 24/8/2011 beliau meninggalkan kami...
in purple
Imam Nordin banyak berjasa kepada keluarga kami....he's d one who taught all the siblings the knowledge of the Quran....he taught me not only reciting the Quran but how to recite it with taranum...
reminiscing years back, he came to my house to teach me taranum as i was elected to involve in tadarus competition.
i could still remember the long cane used by him whenever we wrongly pronounced the kalimah, the tajwid and makhraj.
majlis khatam alQuran beramai-ramai which was one of the big events held....
he always cracked a joke whenever he saw us....he never failed to utter a single word when we bumped into each other. and kept asking us when we'll get married.
he's not even one of my families, but the news brought tears to my eyes...
6:55 AM
By iedasyahidah
salam ramadhan...
hurm...everyone's looking forward to friday....especially friends who are married rang her words to my ears telling that they cant wait for this Raya holiday....first time raya with the husband and in-laws, and i know the first wont be the same as the other..i mean the first day, month and year celebrating raya with new family will be remembered and need to be cherished more...
but it doesn't apply to me. as for me who are the unmarried one, i long for weekends and holidays specially for spending my precious time with the loved ones that is, the families, 6 of them. if im already married, i'll spend most of my time with the husband and start to distance myself from the families as i got more and more responsibilities....to be frank, im not ready for it.
to put it as an analogy, it's better to have RM6 rather than RM1 right?...i hope you got what i mean.
despite myself, i realized i need to leave the house and stay with the husband someday. unless, i'll drag him to stay with my parents which i never ever planned to.
throughout my 23 years, i haven't tried so hard to be the best daughter to my parents, sister to a younger bro and a younger sis, younger sister to an elder bro and sis.
i need more time with my families and this also explains why im not married yet.
hurm...everyone's looking forward to friday....especially friends who are married rang her words to my ears telling that they cant wait for this Raya holiday....first time raya with the husband and in-laws, and i know the first wont be the same as the other..i mean the first day, month and year celebrating raya with new family will be remembered and need to be cherished more...
but it doesn't apply to me. as for me who are the unmarried one, i long for weekends and holidays specially for spending my precious time with the loved ones that is, the families, 6 of them. if im already married, i'll spend most of my time with the husband and start to distance myself from the families as i got more and more responsibilities....to be frank, im not ready for it.
to put it as an analogy, it's better to have RM6 rather than RM1 right?...i hope you got what i mean.
despite myself, i realized i need to leave the house and stay with the husband someday. unless, i'll drag him to stay with my parents which i never ever planned to.
throughout my 23 years, i haven't tried so hard to be the best daughter to my parents, sister to a younger bro and a younger sis, younger sister to an elder bro and sis.
i need more time with my families and this also explains why im not married yet.
9:39 PM
By iedasyahidah
salam Ramadhan...
two entries in a row....thats sooo me if i know what to write, i'll write extensively...
i got two shocking news which i discovered yesterday through FB....im not telling you that im a busybody type of person...but FB can reveal everything right?
ok first, i came across my secondary schoolmate's wall yesterday and i found that there's no picture of her with her fiance anymore....there's no recent status updated which she used to do. i tried to scroll down her page and found most of the recent post all were the sad ones...i sensed something wrong happened to her lately and my assumption was true.supportive comments and a lot of advice offered by friends as i scrolled down..pity her. people said it's better to end the engagement when you see so many bad things happened among you, and do not work out the way you want them to be rather than you ruined your marriage life later on.
second, this person is also one of my secondary schoolmates who are married with a child. she uploaded several pictures of her together with the husband and child...at times, i'll go to her page to see her cute lil boy's progress...one day, i got one friend request which was from her using new nickname. i started to wonder and to my surprise, there's no picture of the husband, only her beloved child. today, the relationship status is changed from "married to (somebody) " to "in relationship with......(somebody else). she's already divorced and now having a new rlationship.
these stories scared me the most...what a life.
everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain. but u cant have a rainbow, without a little rain....
to both of you, i'll pray for your happiness and good fortune....insyaAllah...
two entries in a row....thats sooo me if i know what to write, i'll write extensively...
i got two shocking news which i discovered yesterday through FB....im not telling you that im a busybody type of person...but FB can reveal everything right?
ok first, i came across my secondary schoolmate's wall yesterday and i found that there's no picture of her with her fiance anymore....there's no recent status updated which she used to do. i tried to scroll down her page and found most of the recent post all were the sad ones...i sensed something wrong happened to her lately and my assumption was true.supportive comments and a lot of advice offered by friends as i scrolled down..pity her. people said it's better to end the engagement when you see so many bad things happened among you, and do not work out the way you want them to be rather than you ruined your marriage life later on.
second, this person is also one of my secondary schoolmates who are married with a child. she uploaded several pictures of her together with the husband and child...at times, i'll go to her page to see her cute lil boy's progress...one day, i got one friend request which was from her using new nickname. i started to wonder and to my surprise, there's no picture of the husband, only her beloved child. today, the relationship status is changed from "married to (somebody) " to "in relationship with......(somebody else). she's already divorced and now having a new rlationship.
these stories scared me the most...what a life.
everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain. but u cant have a rainbow, without a little rain....
to both of you, i'll pray for your happiness and good fortune....insyaAllah...
9:03 PM
By iedasyahidah
salam ramadhan...
been quiet for so long, this is my second entry during Ramadhan and sadly today is already 20th Ramadhan....
i broke my promise to myself...in my previous entry, i once sort of making a vow to myself that i should write at least once a week but i failed to realise it..it's not because of the cuppies order or the tudung saji thingy, but the endless workloads that haunt my student's life.i know that's normal but can it not be during Ramadhan..plz, plz, i always beg for a month holiday during Ramadhan. i realized this Ramadhan is not the best Ramadhan i've ever had...the previous Ramadhan was way better i guess...what worry me is if this Ramadhan is the last Ramadhan for me. Nauzubillah. God, plz extend the time, grant me long life as well as good fortune. so that i can perform better next time.InsyaALLAH.
on the 17th Ramadhan, i got the chance to go to Ramadhan bazaar with him...and that was our first time went out together during the month of Ramadhan. on our way back to my college, we were passing by some big double-storey terrace houses and i started to tell him ''kan best ada rumah camtu"....
"kalau kita dah ade rumah, kita kne tgk rumah yang buruk2 je,kalau kita ade kereta bandingkan diri kita dengan orang yang ade motor je, kalau kita ade motor, bandingkan diri kita dengan orang yang jalan kaki, kalau kita jalan kaki, bandingkan diri kita dengan orang yang xde kaki", he responded.
i kept myself silent for minutes as i was actually reflecting....what a good thought.
i realized i rarely being grateful of what i already have. i always long for more and more. i utter the kalimah "Alhamdulillah" during zikr after performing my solah everyday but i failed to really mean it. thats the worst part i guess.
been quiet for so long, this is my second entry during Ramadhan and sadly today is already 20th Ramadhan....
i broke my promise to myself...in my previous entry, i once sort of making a vow to myself that i should write at least once a week but i failed to realise it..it's not because of the cuppies order or the tudung saji thingy, but the endless workloads that haunt my student's life.i know that's normal but can it not be during Ramadhan..plz, plz, i always beg for a month holiday during Ramadhan. i realized this Ramadhan is not the best Ramadhan i've ever had...the previous Ramadhan was way better i guess...what worry me is if this Ramadhan is the last Ramadhan for me. Nauzubillah. God, plz extend the time, grant me long life as well as good fortune. so that i can perform better next time.InsyaALLAH.
on the 17th Ramadhan, i got the chance to go to Ramadhan bazaar with him...and that was our first time went out together during the month of Ramadhan. on our way back to my college, we were passing by some big double-storey terrace houses and i started to tell him ''kan best ada rumah camtu"....
"kalau kita dah ade rumah, kita kne tgk rumah yang buruk2 je,kalau kita ade kereta bandingkan diri kita dengan orang yang ade motor je, kalau kita ade motor, bandingkan diri kita dengan orang yang jalan kaki, kalau kita jalan kaki, bandingkan diri kita dengan orang yang xde kaki", he responded.
i kept myself silent for minutes as i was actually reflecting....what a good thought.
i realized i rarely being grateful of what i already have. i always long for more and more. i utter the kalimah "Alhamdulillah" during zikr after performing my solah everyday but i failed to really mean it. thats the worst part i guess.
9:28 PM
By iedasyahidah
salam Ramadhan....
i hope it's not too late for me to wish u hepy fasting...may this fifth day of Ramadhan, Friday, brings more barakah to all of us...
i always try to discipline myself to post an entry at least once a week but always ended with failure....at times, i could produce more that 1 entry per week when the mood was in a stable condition instead of showing the sign of going to swing....but does it really matter? sometimes, we have to wisely differentiate between the 'needs' and the 'wants'....the same goes for our basic need of life in which we need shelter, food and so forth...thus, we should think profoundly about the 'wants'....for sure, the needs are more important that the wants right? so, dont spend too much time to achieve the 'wants' when the 'needs' is actually the one that we should put more emphasis on...
okay..lets ensure that i'm on the track...
already knowing that this sem will be a hectic one which full with lotsa assignments; micro-teaching that prepare myself for my practicum, i should be ready months ago...but now i already reached my forth week here...still, longing for a focused-mind...at times, i tried to sit still to work on my asignmentsss but always result in doing something else...there comes the 'needs' and the 'wants' again....in other words, the former is the most important and the latter is the less important one....
to my own surprise, i didnt start any of them.....i slept early most of the nights if compared to my friends and i'd go to my dreamland again after performing Subuh prayer....my mind's not working and my diligence's not activated for leading me to work on my assgnments after terawikh prayer as well as before going to bed....the worst of it is my mind's already home when it comes to Thursday....
the due date's coming nearer....i dont know where should i start....:(
i hope it's not too late for me to wish u hepy fasting...may this fifth day of Ramadhan, Friday, brings more barakah to all of us...
i always try to discipline myself to post an entry at least once a week but always ended with failure....at times, i could produce more that 1 entry per week when the mood was in a stable condition instead of showing the sign of going to swing....but does it really matter? sometimes, we have to wisely differentiate between the 'needs' and the 'wants'....the same goes for our basic need of life in which we need shelter, food and so forth...thus, we should think profoundly about the 'wants'....for sure, the needs are more important that the wants right? so, dont spend too much time to achieve the 'wants' when the 'needs' is actually the one that we should put more emphasis on...
okay..lets ensure that i'm on the track...
already knowing that this sem will be a hectic one which full with lotsa assignments; micro-teaching that prepare myself for my practicum, i should be ready months ago...but now i already reached my forth week here...still, longing for a focused-mind...at times, i tried to sit still to work on my asignmentsss but always result in doing something else...there comes the 'needs' and the 'wants' again....in other words, the former is the most important and the latter is the less important one....
to my own surprise, i didnt start any of them.....i slept early most of the nights if compared to my friends and i'd go to my dreamland again after performing Subuh prayer....my mind's not working and my diligence's not activated for leading me to work on my assgnments after terawikh prayer as well as before going to bed....the worst of it is my mind's already home when it comes to Thursday....
the due date's coming nearer....i dont know where should i start....:(
9:39 AM
By iedasyahidah
salam Ramadhan to all...
happy fasting, not feasting....and enjoy reading...:)
1. Pada suatu ketika di Madinah, Rasulullah s.a.w. keluar mengiringi jenazah. Baginda dapati beberapa orang wanita dalam majlis tersebut. lalu Baginda bertanya, “Adakah kamu menyembahyangkan mayat?” Jawab mereka,”Tidak” Sabda Baginda “Seeloknya kamu sekalian tidak perlu ziarah dan tidak ada pahala bagi kamu. Tetapi tinggallah di rumah dan berkhidmatlah kepada suami nescaya pahalanya sama dengan ibadat kaum orang lelaki.
2. Wanita yang memerah susu binatang dengan ‘Bismillah’ akan didoakan oleh binatang itu dengan doa keberkatan.
3. Wanita yang menguli tepung gandum dengan ‘Bismillah’, Allah akan berkatkan rezekinya.
4. Wanita yang menyapu lantai dengan berzikir akan mendapat pahala seperti meyapu lantai di Baitullah.
5. “Wahai Fatimah, untuk setiap wanita yang mengeluarkan peluh ketika membuat roti, Allah akan membinakan 7 parit di antara dirinya dengan api neraka, jarak di antara parit itu ialah sejauh langit dan bumi.”
6. “Wahai Fatimah, bagi setiap wanita yang memintal benang, Allah akan mencatatkan untuknya perbuatan baik sebanyak utas benang yang dibuat dan memadamkan seratus perbuatan jahat.”
7. “Wahai Fatimah, untuk setiap wanita yang menganyam akan benang dibuatnya, Allah telah menentukan satu tempat khas untuknya di atas tahta di hari akhirat.”
8. “Wahai Fatimah, bagi setiap wanita yang memintal benang dan kemudian dibuat pakaian untuk anak-anaknya maka Allah akan mencatit baginya ganjaran sama seperti orang yang memberi makan kepada 1000 orang lapar dan memberi pakaian kepada 1000 orang yang tidak berpakaian.”
9. “Wahai Fatimah, bagi setiap wanita yang meminyakkan rambut anaknya, menyikatnya, mencuci pakaian mereka dan mencuci akan diri anaknya itu, Allah akan mencatatkan untuknya pekerjaan baik sebanyak helai rambut mereka dan memadamkan sebanyak itu pula pekerjaan jahat dan menjadikan dirinya kelihatan berseri di mata orang-orang yang memerhatikannya.”
10. Sabda Nabi s.a.w. : “Ya Fatimah setiap wanita meminyakkan rambut dan janggut suaminya, memotong misai dan mengerat kukunya, Allah akan memberi minum kepadanya dari sungai-sungai serta diringankan Allah baginya sakaratul maut dan akan didapatinya kuburnya menjadi sebuah taman daripada taman-taman syurga dan dicatatkan Allah baginya kelepasan dari api neraka dan selamatlah ia melintas Titian Shiratul Mustaqim.”
11. Jika suami mengajarkan atau menerangkan kepada isterinya satu masalah agama atau dunia dia akan mendapat pahala 80 tahun ibadat.
12. Wanita yang menyebabkan suaminya keluar dan berjuang ke jalan Allah dan kemudian menjaga adab rumahtangganya akan masuk syurga 500 tahun lebih awal daripada suaminya, akan menjadi ketua 70,000 malaikat dan bidadari dan wanita itu akan dimandikan di dalam syurga dan menunggu kedatangan suaminya dengan menunggang kuda yang dibuat daripada yakut.
13. Semua orang akan dipanggil untuk melihat wajah Allah di akhirat, tetapi Allah akan datang sendiri kepada wanita yang memberati auratnya iaitu memakai purdah di dunia ini dengan istiqamah. Dunia ini adalah perhiasan dan sebaik-baik perhiasan ialah wanita (isteri) yang solehah.
14. Salah satu tanda keberkatan wanita itu ialah cepat perkahwinannya, cepat pula kehamilannya dan ringan pula maharnya (mas kahwin).
15. Sebaik-baik wanita ialah wanita (isteri) yang apabila engkau memandang kepadanya ia menggembirakan kamu, jika engkau memerintahnya ia mentaati perintah tersebut dan jika engkau bermusafir dia menjaga harta engkau dan dirinya. Maksud hadis: Dunia yang paling aku sukai ialah wanita solehah.
Sumber: Paradigma MUKMIN http://akuislam.com/blog/
happy fasting, not feasting....and enjoy reading...:)
1. Pada suatu ketika di Madinah, Rasulullah s.a.w. keluar mengiringi jenazah. Baginda dapati beberapa orang wanita dalam majlis tersebut. lalu Baginda bertanya, “Adakah kamu menyembahyangkan mayat?” Jawab mereka,”Tidak” Sabda Baginda “Seeloknya kamu sekalian tidak perlu ziarah dan tidak ada pahala bagi kamu. Tetapi tinggallah di rumah dan berkhidmatlah kepada suami nescaya pahalanya sama dengan ibadat kaum orang lelaki.
2. Wanita yang memerah susu binatang dengan ‘Bismillah’ akan didoakan oleh binatang itu dengan doa keberkatan.
3. Wanita yang menguli tepung gandum dengan ‘Bismillah’, Allah akan berkatkan rezekinya.
4. Wanita yang menyapu lantai dengan berzikir akan mendapat pahala seperti meyapu lantai di Baitullah.
5. “Wahai Fatimah, untuk setiap wanita yang mengeluarkan peluh ketika membuat roti, Allah akan membinakan 7 parit di antara dirinya dengan api neraka, jarak di antara parit itu ialah sejauh langit dan bumi.”
6. “Wahai Fatimah, bagi setiap wanita yang memintal benang, Allah akan mencatatkan untuknya perbuatan baik sebanyak utas benang yang dibuat dan memadamkan seratus perbuatan jahat.”
7. “Wahai Fatimah, untuk setiap wanita yang menganyam akan benang dibuatnya, Allah telah menentukan satu tempat khas untuknya di atas tahta di hari akhirat.”
8. “Wahai Fatimah, bagi setiap wanita yang memintal benang dan kemudian dibuat pakaian untuk anak-anaknya maka Allah akan mencatit baginya ganjaran sama seperti orang yang memberi makan kepada 1000 orang lapar dan memberi pakaian kepada 1000 orang yang tidak berpakaian.”
9. “Wahai Fatimah, bagi setiap wanita yang meminyakkan rambut anaknya, menyikatnya, mencuci pakaian mereka dan mencuci akan diri anaknya itu, Allah akan mencatatkan untuknya pekerjaan baik sebanyak helai rambut mereka dan memadamkan sebanyak itu pula pekerjaan jahat dan menjadikan dirinya kelihatan berseri di mata orang-orang yang memerhatikannya.”
10. Sabda Nabi s.a.w. : “Ya Fatimah setiap wanita meminyakkan rambut dan janggut suaminya, memotong misai dan mengerat kukunya, Allah akan memberi minum kepadanya dari sungai-sungai serta diringankan Allah baginya sakaratul maut dan akan didapatinya kuburnya menjadi sebuah taman daripada taman-taman syurga dan dicatatkan Allah baginya kelepasan dari api neraka dan selamatlah ia melintas Titian Shiratul Mustaqim.”
11. Jika suami mengajarkan atau menerangkan kepada isterinya satu masalah agama atau dunia dia akan mendapat pahala 80 tahun ibadat.
12. Wanita yang menyebabkan suaminya keluar dan berjuang ke jalan Allah dan kemudian menjaga adab rumahtangganya akan masuk syurga 500 tahun lebih awal daripada suaminya, akan menjadi ketua 70,000 malaikat dan bidadari dan wanita itu akan dimandikan di dalam syurga dan menunggu kedatangan suaminya dengan menunggang kuda yang dibuat daripada yakut.
13. Semua orang akan dipanggil untuk melihat wajah Allah di akhirat, tetapi Allah akan datang sendiri kepada wanita yang memberati auratnya iaitu memakai purdah di dunia ini dengan istiqamah. Dunia ini adalah perhiasan dan sebaik-baik perhiasan ialah wanita (isteri) yang solehah.
14. Salah satu tanda keberkatan wanita itu ialah cepat perkahwinannya, cepat pula kehamilannya dan ringan pula maharnya (mas kahwin).
15. Sebaik-baik wanita ialah wanita (isteri) yang apabila engkau memandang kepadanya ia menggembirakan kamu, jika engkau memerintahnya ia mentaati perintah tersebut dan jika engkau bermusafir dia menjaga harta engkau dan dirinya. Maksud hadis: Dunia yang paling aku sukai ialah wanita solehah.
Sumber: Paradigma MUKMIN http://akuislam.com/blog/
2:46 AM
By iedasyahidah
thanx fara for your order...
sorry for those yg order from KL..3 of them..my sis and i couldn't make it....:(
8:23 AM
By iedasyahidah
salam all...
i'd been busy lately due to several events.....and this post is going to explain my 'business' all this while...
one day before bro's E-day, we had kenduri doa selamat and kesyukuran...thus i've had a pretty hectic days last weekend....
the hantaran for both sides were designed and prepared all by myself...
i'd been busy lately due to several events.....and this post is going to explain my 'business' all this while...
one day before bro's E-day, we had kenduri doa selamat and kesyukuran...thus i've had a pretty hectic days last weekend....
the hantaran for both sides were designed and prepared all by myself...
Hantaran pihak lelaki
hantaran kek
hantaran cincin
hantaran coklat
hantaran kain
hantaran baju
hantaran buah
Hantaran pihak perempuan
sirih junjung
hantaran buah
hantaran coklat
hantaran kuih
hantaran kek
hantaran tuala
hantaran bunga rampai
hantaran baju kemeja
hantaran telur
♥♥♥congratz to both of u...♥♥♥
10:21 PM
By iedasyahidah
I thought I would never
find the right person
to love
until I met you
And since I have
always thought that
love is the most
important part of my life
I want our love
to last and
to be as beautiful
as it is now
I want our love
to be the backbone
of our lives forever
Our love came naturally
but I know that
we must both work
at making it last
so I will try my hardest
at all times
to be fair and honest with you
I will
strive for my own goals
and help you achieve yours
I will always try
to understand you
I will always
let you know what I am thinking
I will always
try to support you
I will try
to successfully blend
our lives together
with enough freedom
to grow as individuals
I will always
consider each day
with you special
Regardless of
what events
occur in our lives
I will make
sure that our
relationship flourishes
as I will always
love and respect you
find the right person
to love
until I met you
And since I have
always thought that
love is the most
important part of my life
I want our love
to last and
to be as beautiful
as it is now
I want our love
to be the backbone
of our lives forever
Our love came naturally
but I know that
we must both work
at making it last
so I will try my hardest
at all times
to be fair and honest with you
I will
strive for my own goals
and help you achieve yours
I will always try
to understand you
I will always
let you know what I am thinking
I will always
try to support you
I will try
to successfully blend
our lives together
with enough freedom
to grow as individuals
I will always
consider each day
with you special
Regardless of
what events
occur in our lives
I will make
sure that our
relationship flourishes
as I will always
love and respect you
finished baking the cuppies at almost 2 a.m.....memories remain...:)
12:41 AM
By iedasyahidah
time flies too fast for me to catch....being here for a week taught me how to be patient, courage and fight for my right...at the same time always praying to God that i could go through all and follow those irrational rules and regulations. i couldn't wait for this hectic life to come to its end soon..hopefully....clock, please ticking faster...
part of me realized that i'm about to finish my 6 years studies and the other part of me wondered whether i'm ready and fully prepared myself for teaching, to serve the nation and the future generation...
currently, i'm alone in my 'scary' room...yes, that's what nana's sis blurted out when she took her first step into our room on the registration day....me? i should reward myself for not crying just like what i did couple of years ago on the first day because i already expected the worst. sometimes, it's good to expect the worst right? whatever it is, i'm still grateful of what i have...
nothing much i can do in this haunted room while waiting for my parents to fetch me up this evening....i already got my deep dreamless sleep....was woken by people's voice who were my roommate and all my compartment-mates, they were busy packing and looking forward to their respective heavenly home, to spend time with their families and for some were eager to meet their husband...what a life...we are adult.... i'm committing a sin if i said that i'm not bored...duh...really2 bored..so, i did some printing; lecturers' notes, at least i wont regret of not doing anything....
number of friends were already updating their FB status telling that they were already arrived their hometown....congratz gurls!!! you are free now even though it's just only for 2 days....i'm still stranded here...at times, eyeing on the clock and praying wholeheartedly to God that it ticks faster so that i could be home now.....God willing...:)
time flies too fast for me to catch....being here for a week taught me how to be patient, courage and fight for my right...at the same time always praying to God that i could go through all and follow those irrational rules and regulations. i couldn't wait for this hectic life to come to its end soon..hopefully....clock, please ticking faster...
part of me realized that i'm about to finish my 6 years studies and the other part of me wondered whether i'm ready and fully prepared myself for teaching, to serve the nation and the future generation...
currently, i'm alone in my 'scary' room...yes, that's what nana's sis blurted out when she took her first step into our room on the registration day....me? i should reward myself for not crying just like what i did couple of years ago on the first day because i already expected the worst. sometimes, it's good to expect the worst right? whatever it is, i'm still grateful of what i have...
nothing much i can do in this haunted room while waiting for my parents to fetch me up this evening....i already got my deep dreamless sleep....was woken by people's voice who were my roommate and all my compartment-mates, they were busy packing and looking forward to their respective heavenly home, to spend time with their families and for some were eager to meet their husband...what a life...we are adult.... i'm committing a sin if i said that i'm not bored...duh...really2 bored..so, i did some printing; lecturers' notes, at least i wont regret of not doing anything....
number of friends were already updating their FB status telling that they were already arrived their hometown....congratz gurls!!! you are free now even though it's just only for 2 days....i'm still stranded here...at times, eyeing on the clock and praying wholeheartedly to God that it ticks faster so that i could be home now.....God willing...:)
5:57 PM
By iedasyahidah
salam all....
welcome to school dear...the hustle and bustle will begin just soon....less sleeping hour, less food available, lose weight for sure...the only reason i love that place is that it just nearby my house....:)
beloved mum and dad,
maybe it's wrong for me to say nothing should be worried about...this is your first time i know..but please don't be too worried, loved.
bro and future sis,
if you all need my help, just get through me, give me a call....insyaAllah i'll lend you a hand and everything will run smoothly.
life is hard and tough sometimes..student's life will never fail to tense you girl...remember,it's not easy to hold a degree WITH knowledge.
all the best in whatever you do wherever you're...i realized your journey of life is way complicated compared to mine. brace yourself for all the challenges and pray to Allah...insyaAllah HE would ease all and show you the way...
welcome to working life....happy working!!
Akon's 'Nobody wanna see us together' is partly true. i believe our respective parents, families and our real friends always pray for our togetherness....if we are meant to be together, nobody can stop HIS plan....do pray, pray and pray...always...
welcome to school dear...the hustle and bustle will begin just soon....less sleeping hour, less food available, lose weight for sure...the only reason i love that place is that it just nearby my house....:)
beloved mum and dad,
maybe it's wrong for me to say nothing should be worried about...this is your first time i know..but please don't be too worried, loved.
bro and future sis,
if you all need my help, just get through me, give me a call....insyaAllah i'll lend you a hand and everything will run smoothly.
life is hard and tough sometimes..student's life will never fail to tense you girl...remember,it's not easy to hold a degree WITH knowledge.
all the best in whatever you do wherever you're...i realized your journey of life is way complicated compared to mine. brace yourself for all the challenges and pray to Allah...insyaAllah HE would ease all and show you the way...
welcome to working life....happy working!!
Akon's 'Nobody wanna see us together' is partly true. i believe our respective parents, families and our real friends always pray for our togetherness....if we are meant to be together, nobody can stop HIS plan....do pray, pray and pray...always...
12:05 AM
By iedasyahidah
im struggling with my vocabulary, unable to find the right words....
and eventually....
im struggling with my vocabulary, unable to find the right words....
and eventually....
and i feel better...insyaAllah...
7:56 PM
By iedasyahidah
they streamed down my face for about two days....thanks mum for always being there when i need her...mum's words of advice been very helpful for me to continue our journey of love...without her, everything would definitely turn bad...mum did share her hard as well as good old days when she was about my age...i did learn several lessons from what she'd been goin' through yearsss back...but sorry mum for i didn't plan to do like what you'd done during your teenagers years even though i know it works and would result in a 'hooray' maybe...
from now on, i started to hate facebook as it caused harm to my life...many frens of frens added me as their frens and i approved with the intention of making frens...too many friends did cause more harm than good...new equation created maybe more frens = more harm...
i still believe in Allah's fate...do you remember ungkapan ayat kun (jadi) maka fayakun (jadilah) in the Quran?
[Al Baqarah:117]
Allah Pencipta langit dan bumi, dan bila Dia berkehendak sesuatu, maka Dia hanya mengatakan kepadanya: "Jadilah!" Lalu jadilah ia."
currently, we are tested by Allah...and it indicates that Allah still loves us...after all, we did repent and change...
my dear frens, do pray for us...there are always people who are jealous and envy when other people being filled with happiness and joy....and surely, they are merely human...
they streamed down my face for about two days....thanks mum for always being there when i need her...mum's words of advice been very helpful for me to continue our journey of love...without her, everything would definitely turn bad...mum did share her hard as well as good old days when she was about my age...i did learn several lessons from what she'd been goin' through yearsss back...but sorry mum for i didn't plan to do like what you'd done during your teenagers years even though i know it works and would result in a 'hooray' maybe...
from now on, i started to hate facebook as it caused harm to my life...many frens of frens added me as their frens and i approved with the intention of making frens...too many friends did cause more harm than good...new equation created maybe more frens = more harm...
i still believe in Allah's fate...do you remember ungkapan ayat kun (jadi) maka fayakun (jadilah) in the Quran?
[Al Baqarah:117]
Allah Pencipta langit dan bumi, dan bila Dia berkehendak sesuatu, maka Dia hanya mengatakan kepadanya: "Jadilah!" Lalu jadilah ia."
currently, we are tested by Allah...and it indicates that Allah still loves us...after all, we did repent and change...
my dear frens, do pray for us...there are always people who are jealous and envy when other people being filled with happiness and joy....and surely, they are merely human...
7:24 PM
By iedasyahidah
salam all..
"hidup di dunia ni tak lama hanya sementara so buatlah perkara-perkara yang berfaedah je"
one of messages that i sent to one of stranger's inbox...years back she's totally a stranger to me...but now, since what she'd done to us, she's gradually known to me...
saya pelik bila ada orang xbole tengok orang lain bahagia, xkesah la sebab mengecapi kejayaan dalam kerja or result exam or ape2 je la in life....saya pun tak paham la kenapa orang suka dengki or iri hati dengan kehidupan orang lain....n saya tak paham dengan orang yang tak sensitif dengan orang lain...try to put yourself in other's shoes la...and bersyukur la dengan kehidupan kamu...maybe kehidupan kamu tidak seindah kehidupan saya tapi tidak semua yang dilalui oleh kamu dilalui oleh saya....life is fair...kita ade bahagian masing2....Allah is really fair...semua orang takkan dapat semua yang dikehendakinya....begitu juga dengan saya dan kamu coz kita semua adalah human....we have our instructor who's our greatest God.....DIA yang menentukan segalanya so we should bear all...
dan kepada kamu, ingatlah dunia ni fana, yang kekal hanya kehidupan di sana...so buat lah perkara yang berfaedah je di dunia ni coz kita semakin lama semakin tua....and we r adults....so be like one...
kalau nak menipu or nak permainkan orang plan and study abis2 dulu coz saya lagi advance dari kamu...think first then act....and the most important thing is that saya tau sapa kamu.....bertaubatlah sebelum hembusan nafas terakhir kamu...:)
semoga kuat pergantunganku kepada Allah....
"hidup di dunia ni tak lama hanya sementara so buatlah perkara-perkara yang berfaedah je"
one of messages that i sent to one of stranger's inbox...years back she's totally a stranger to me...but now, since what she'd done to us, she's gradually known to me...
saya pelik bila ada orang xbole tengok orang lain bahagia, xkesah la sebab mengecapi kejayaan dalam kerja or result exam or ape2 je la in life....saya pun tak paham la kenapa orang suka dengki or iri hati dengan kehidupan orang lain....n saya tak paham dengan orang yang tak sensitif dengan orang lain...try to put yourself in other's shoes la...and bersyukur la dengan kehidupan kamu...maybe kehidupan kamu tidak seindah kehidupan saya tapi tidak semua yang dilalui oleh kamu dilalui oleh saya....life is fair...kita ade bahagian masing2....Allah is really fair...semua orang takkan dapat semua yang dikehendakinya....begitu juga dengan saya dan kamu coz kita semua adalah human....we have our instructor who's our greatest God.....DIA yang menentukan segalanya so we should bear all...
dan kepada kamu, ingatlah dunia ni fana, yang kekal hanya kehidupan di sana...so buat lah perkara yang berfaedah je di dunia ni coz kita semakin lama semakin tua....and we r adults....so be like one...
kalau nak menipu or nak permainkan orang plan and study abis2 dulu coz saya lagi advance dari kamu...think first then act....and the most important thing is that saya tau sapa kamu.....bertaubatlah sebelum hembusan nafas terakhir kamu...:)
semoga kuat pergantunganku kepada Allah....
5:00 PM
By iedasyahidah
salam n hye all....
"biar blog terabai asalkan family tidak terabai"
a simple phrase yet has a very significant meaning...maybe all are already noted that it'd been quite a while since my last post. if u see only pictures or videos in my post that explain my hectic life all this while...
i realized when we're getting older, lotsa thing we need to sacrifice especially our time... our experiences had aged us thus people would seek for and need your contribution. that is, more and more responsibilities you have to hold...please ensure that you do it sincerely instead of with grudge or feeling of discomfort...Allah would repay all insyaAllah.
hmm...i know i should be sleeping right now for i realized that my hectic schedule of college life will begin just soon...i should cherish each and every single moment being home before entered that hustle and bustle...phase of life...but,trail of good as well as bad memories plus too many things in mind dragged me to speak them up here...
maybe what im experiencing right now is one of the challenges that Allah hs endowed me for me to reflect upon it....and i have to face up to the fact that i'm tested by HIM...
Dari Abu Hurairah radhiallahuanhu dia berkata : Rasulullah shollallohu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda : Janganlah kalian saling dengki, saling menipu, saling marah dan saling memutuskan hubungan. Dan janganlah kalian menjual sesuatu yang telah dijual kepada orang lain. Jadilah kalian hamba-hamba Allah yang bersaudara. Seorang muslim adalah saudara bagi muslim yang lainnya, (dia) tidak menzaliminya dan mengabaikannya, tidak mendustakannya dan tidak menghinanya. Taqwa itu disini (seraya menunjuk dadanya sebanyak tiga kali). Cukuplah seorang muslim dikatakan buruk jika dia menghina saudaranya yang muslim. Setiap muslim atas muslim yang lain; haram darahnya, hartanya, dan kehormatannya.
Lessons learnt:
"biar blog terabai asalkan family tidak terabai"
a simple phrase yet has a very significant meaning...maybe all are already noted that it'd been quite a while since my last post. if u see only pictures or videos in my post that explain my hectic life all this while...
i realized when we're getting older, lotsa thing we need to sacrifice especially our time... our experiences had aged us thus people would seek for and need your contribution. that is, more and more responsibilities you have to hold...please ensure that you do it sincerely instead of with grudge or feeling of discomfort...Allah would repay all insyaAllah.
hmm...i know i should be sleeping right now for i realized that my hectic schedule of college life will begin just soon...i should cherish each and every single moment being home before entered that hustle and bustle...phase of life...but,trail of good as well as bad memories plus too many things in mind dragged me to speak them up here...
maybe what im experiencing right now is one of the challenges that Allah hs endowed me for me to reflect upon it....and i have to face up to the fact that i'm tested by HIM...
Dari Abu Hurairah radhiallahuanhu dia berkata : Rasulullah shollallohu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda : Janganlah kalian saling dengki, saling menipu, saling marah dan saling memutuskan hubungan. Dan janganlah kalian menjual sesuatu yang telah dijual kepada orang lain. Jadilah kalian hamba-hamba Allah yang bersaudara. Seorang muslim adalah saudara bagi muslim yang lainnya, (dia) tidak menzaliminya dan mengabaikannya, tidak mendustakannya dan tidak menghinanya. Taqwa itu disini (seraya menunjuk dadanya sebanyak tiga kali). Cukuplah seorang muslim dikatakan buruk jika dia menghina saudaranya yang muslim. Setiap muslim atas muslim yang lain; haram darahnya, hartanya, dan kehormatannya.
Lessons learnt:
- Larangan untuk saling dengki.
- Larangan untuk berbuat keji dan menipu dalam urusan jual beli.
- Diharamkan untuk memutuskan hubungan terhadap muslim. Sebaliknya harus dijaga persaudaraan dan hak-haknya karena Allah Ta’ala.
- Islam bukan hanya aqidah dan ibadah saja, tetapi juga didalamnya terdapat urusan akhlak dan muamalah.
- Hati merupakan sumber rasa takut kepada Allah Ta’ala.
- Taqwa merupakan barometer keutamaan dan timbangan seseorang.
- Islam memerangi semua akhlak tercela karena hal tersebut berpengaruh negatif dalam masyarakat Islam.
terima kasih di atas segala ujian-Mu....and im grateful for im destined to be a teacher sesungguhnya ia dapat mendidik saya untuk menjadi lebih sabar....:)
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