~we fight for our right!~

salam and hye all...

morning....been very busy but still could spend insyaAllah only 10 minutes to write on this 'cool blog'...yup, i called this blog as 'cool blog' as i named it in one of my bookmarks list for web browser in my phone. i love anything which is cool including drinking the cool blog. till my younger bro once said to me "asik2 cool blog, dah muak da"..last time i tried their Cendol blog + apple jelly and it tasted good. but my bro love the grape jelly more. in all, vanilla oreo blog always wins my heart.

okay enough for the drink. i would like to quote a FB status of one of my senior's:

Makluman semua pelajar Pendidikan UIAM:
Hasil dari Konvensyen Mahasiswa Pendidikan Kebangsaan 2011 di UKM, 5 resolusi pragmatik telah berjaya disepakati oleh semua perwakilan mahasiswa pendidikan:
1) Mengembalikan Jaminan Penempatan Guru
2) Membuka Peluang Memohon Biasiswa Kepada Semua Pemegang Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan
3) Kepimpinan Baru Tidak Merubah Dasar Yang Sedia Ada Tanpa Melihat Dan M
engambil Pandangan Pendidik
4) Pemerkasaan Bakal Guru
5) Mansuhkan GSTT/KPLI/DPLI

i would love to LIKE LIKE LIKE the fifth. it's not because of being intolerant but it's more to our RIGHT! we had been training for 6 years compared to them who were simply ought to undergo 1 year training plus were given more money per month and simply got the place? everything is simple!
and the 6years-trainer tanam anggur for several months. do you think it's fair?

fikir-fikirkan dan selamat beramal....:)
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