~at random~

Mum, sis…don’t get through me, don’t text me asking about my homecoming anymore…I can’t make it on Friday..i’ll be home a day after…just wait…:)

I can breathe right now and I need a walk…but haven’t got a chance to...:(

Hurm...my blog seems as if an album as there are a lot of photos here… I dislike all words in ppl’s blog as mere words are boring…unless it’s a motivational word…some of my friends already knew that I loved to read motivational words, quotations or sayings…during my 20th bufday, they gave me cards that were packed with lots and lots of motivational words…and i would love to read them especially when I felt down..

huh...people are now busy talking about the exam which is just around d corner...my heart started to thud audibly against my ribs and my breath seemed to get stuck in my throat.... indicating that im not prepared yet and not ready for any....God please..slower d time from ticking too fast coz im not running instead, still walking...
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