~kaka vs messi~

just arrived home...
bru blik dri mmbeli brg2 hstel n teman my bro tgk football match...i just realized Kaka is more handsome than Messi...so, good bye Argentina...go go Brazil!!..huhu..

tp Brazil kalah plak mlm nie..Kaka pun main x bgitu baik hri ni.....:(
xpe..Kaka, next tyme main sungguh2 okay...promise?
9 Responses
  1. hanis Says:

    mmg lama dh si kaka tu lg ensem dr messi.awk jer yg lmbt update skit.hehe.xpe2.
    btw,ni minat bola ke minat orgnye.hehe

  2. urm..kaka tu DULU ensem.tp sejk kalah tadi lgsg x ensem.hehe.boleh tak komen cenggini?;-)btw, selmt bekenalan.

  3. iedasyahidah Says:

    hani-sy mmg agak ktinggln..huhu..sy minat bola smtymes je tgk mood..huhu...n xtau nk sokong mne dats y i chose d player..huhu..

    purplepolaris-eh bole plak cm2 ek..huhu..messi dulu ensem tp skang dh mmmg messy je i tgk..hehe..
    slmt brkenaln to0...:)

  4. pinkysplash9 Says:

    brasil kalah. so BYE2 brasil.

  5. FieQa AfiQah Says:

    Wife kaka cun kot..ade pic yg die hug tummy(pregnant) wife die from bck..fuhh~

  6. iedasyahidah Says:

    yeke...wah jelesnye sy!!!
    argentina n brazil dh klh..sy xtau nk support pe plak pasni.huu.

  7. pinkysplash9 Says:

    ieda im not even the supporter of brasilian la. haiyyyoo. i love to see the upset.it feels good to see all the good team go home.

  8. iedasyahidah Says:

    huhu...mnurut kte bomoh sotong, sotong sik kt germany flag je...german champion dis tyme i supposed..:)