~wahai muslimah kasihanilah musliminmu~

salam readers...

sudah lama rasanya tidak mengupdate blog...bukan malas tapi bnyak planning and things to do lately....but of coz not d assignments...sometimes xtau nak bwat yang mane...novel x abis bce lagi, movie banyak x tgk lagi, blog lagi...but nver mind, i do all just for pleasure, willingly, so it's all up to me right...
one of the webs that i love to surf is halaqah.net...i love to read its beneficial posts especially when it comes to discussion....due to lack of knowledge, i never tried to involve in the discussion but just read people's opinion regarding on certain issue, critically evaluated it, took the most reliable and put aside the uncertain one.all this while, most of them have cleared my confusion and doubt regarding on lotsa issues.

i came across below thus i would like to share with all of u...its about perkahwinan yang terlalu mengikut adat...

Bantu lah para muslimin mu untuk mereka mengurangkan dosa. Mungkin dari pengalaman hidup dan kehidupan yang dilalui, seorang lelaki itu boleh menjaga mata dan nafsu gelora kerana godaan diluar sana oleh perempuan yang tidak layak dipanggil perempuan jika dia memiliki isteri. Ini kerana bila, nafsunya terangsang dengan godaan tanpa sengaja, dia boleh melampiaskan pada isterinya.

• Seorang suami dibolehkan jima’ (mencampuri) isterinya bila masa saja yang ia kehendaki; pagi, siang, atau malam. Bahkan, apabila seorang suami melihat wanita yang mengagumkannya, hendaknya ia mendatangi isterinya. Hal ini berdasarkan riwayat bahwasanya Rasulullah shallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam melihat wanita yang mengagumkan beliau. Kemudian beliau mendatangi isterinya -yaitu Zainab radhiyallaahu ‘anha- yang sedang membuat adonan roti. Lalu beliau melakukan hajatnya (berjima’ dengan isterinya). Kemu-dian beliau bersabda (maksudnya),

"Sesungguhnya wanita itu menghadap dalam rupa syaitan dan membelakangi dalam rupa syaitan. ( Maksudnya isyarat dalam mengajak kepada hawa nafsu.) Maka, apabila seseorang dari kalian melihat seorang wanita (yang mengagumkan), hendaklah ia mendatangi isterinya. Karena yang demikian itu dapat menolak apa yang ada di dalam hatinya.” ( Hadits shahih: Diriwayatkan oleh Muslim (no. 1403), at-Tirmidzi (no. 1158), Adu Dawud (no. 2151), al-Baihaqi (VII/90), Ahmad (III/330, 341, 348, 395) dan lafazh ini miliknya, dari Shahabat Jabir bin ‘Abdillah radhiyallaahu ‘anhuma. Lihat Silsilah ash-Shahiihah (I/470-471).

Imam an-Nawawi rahimahullaah berkata : “ Dianjurkan bagi siapa yang melihat wanita hingga syahwatnya tergerak agar segera mendatangi isterinya - atau budak perempuan yang dimilikinya -kemudian menggaulinya untuk meredakan syahwatnya juga agar jiwanya menjadi tenang.” ( Syarah Shahiih Muslim (IX/178).

Akan tetapi, ketahuilah saudara yang budiman, bahwasanya menahan pandangan itu wajib hukumnya, karena hadits tersebut berkenaan dan berlaku untuk pandangan secara tiba-tiba.

Allah Ta’ala berfirman:

"“Katakanlah kepada laki-laki yang beriman, agar mereka menjaga pandangannya, dan memelihara kemaluannya; yang demikian itu lebih suci bagi mereka. Sungguh, Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yang mereka perbuat” .[An-Nuur : 30]

Dari Abu Buraidah, dari ayahnya radhiyallaahu ‘anhu, ia berkata, “Rasulullah shallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam ber-sabda kepada ‘Ali (maksudnya).

"Wahai ‘Ali, janganlah engkau mengikuti satu pandangan pandangan lainnya karena yang pertama untukmu dan yang kedua bukan untukmu”.(Hadits hasan: Diriwayatkan oleh at-Tirmidzi (no. 2777) dan Abu Dawud (no. 2149).

Firman Allah dalam surah Al-Baqarah ayat 187, yang bermaksud , "...mereka itu adalah pakaian bagimu dan kamu pun adalah pakaian bagi mereka. Allah mengetahui bahawa kamu tidak dapat menahan nafsumu, kerana itu Allah mengampunkan kamu dan memberikan keringanan kepadamu."

Dalam surah Al-Baqarah ayat 223, yang bermaksud, "Isteri-isteri adalah seperti tanah tempat bercucuk tanam,maka datanglah (tanah) tempat bercucuk tanam sebagaimana sahaja yang kamu kehendaki, kerjakanlah (amal-amal) yang baik untuk dirimu. Bertaqwalah kepada Allah dan ketahuilah kamu kelak akan menemuiNya. Dan berikanlah khabar gembira bagi orang-orang yang beriman." (Al Baqarah: 223)

Dan nasihat saya pada para isteri, apa bila seorang suami terpaksa bertugas luar dalam tempoh tertentu, berilah bekalan istimewa kepadanya, agar air yang terkumpul ditulang sulbi, bila baru dikeluarkan, akan dapat menahan dan mengawal nafsu diluar sana. Dan apabila dia balik ke rumah, cepat-cepat hadiahkan persembahan istimewa. Mahukah kita menjadi seperti suatu kisah sahabat,

"apabila suaminya akan pulang ke rumah, isteri itu telah menunggu di tepi pintu dengan tangan kanan memegang segelas air dan tangan kiri memegang rotan."

Maka, wahai muslimah sekalian

 permudahkan lah pernikahan kamu agar lelaki terselamat dan kamu juga selamat. Kerana karenah perempuan yang mementing beberapa perkara adat yang menyukarkan seorang lelaki itu mahu bernikah awal demi meyelamatkan imannya.


~facts of myself~

salam readers..

Can you believe that...
  • im only 47.5kg.....i miss my ideal weight...i've tried to eat a lot but...:(
  • im the shortest among the siblings but never mind, mum save me....thanx mum!!
  • my happy feeling reaches its peak only when im home...
  • i hve a brother, a sister, a younger brother, a younger sister, a dad, and a mum...complete!!alhamdulillah...
  • one of my schoolmates confessed that he had a crush on me and only revealed it after 10 years which was last week...but nvr mind, im already taken so is he...:)
  • i ws checking my notes while having tea last evening and my dad prompting me by saying "ida ade exam lg ke?"....dad, dont orient myself to exam only...:)
  • i'd betrayed my own promises as i sweetened my body with lots of mix fruits choc...they look very tempting  that i couldnt refrain myself from eating little...forgive myself!!

~how's your heart condition?~

salam everyone....

how's ur heart condition?do you have a healthy or a dead heart?
all this while im wondering how to determine my recent condition of heart....how to measure the thickness of the black dots on it?are they already that thick?....
one of the indications which tells us that our heart not in a state of healthy is that we enjoy commiting sins without having any guilt thus we keep repeating the wrongdoings eventhough you've repented or taubat...and the worst part is that you proud of committing that evil acts...

in addition, according to Syeikh Ibrahim Adham,there are several indications that our heart is dead namely:

1. Mengaku kenal Allah SWT, tetapi tidak menunaikan hak-hak-Nya.
2. Mengaku cinta kepada Rasulullah s.a.w., tetapi mengabaikan sunnah baginda.
3. Membaca al-Quran, tetapi tidak beramal dengan hukum-hukum di dalamnya.
4. Memakan nikmat-nikmat Allah SWT, tetapi tidak mensyukuri atas pemberian-Nya.
5. Mengaku syaitan itu musuh, tetapi tidak berjuang menentangnya.
6. Mengaku adanya nikmat syurga, tetapi tidak beramal untuk mendapatkannya.
7. Mengaku adanya seksa neraka, tetapi tidak berusaha untuk menjauhinya.
8. Mengaku kematian pasti tiba bagi setiap jiwa, tetapi masih tidak bersedia untuknya.
9. Menyibukkan diri membuka keaiban orang lain, tetapi lupa akan keaiban diri sendiri.
10. Menghantar dan menguburkan jenazah/mayat saudara se-Islam, tetapi tidak mengambil pengajaran daripadanya.

Mati hati itu adalah kerana tiga perkara iaitu;

1-Hubbul dunia (kasihkan dunia)
2-Lalai daripada zikirullah (mengingati Allah)
3-Membanyakkan makan dan menjatuhkan anggota badan kepada maksiat kepada Allah.

Hidup hati itu kerana tiga perkara iaitu;

1-Zuhud dengan dunia
3-Bergaul atau berkawan dengan aulia Allah

Whatever mountains stands in your path,
Whatever obstacle blocks your way,
Whatever difficulty immobilized you,
The prayer full of faith can remove it.

Lidah orang yang berakal terletak
di belakang hatinya.
 Hati orang yang
bodoh terletak di belakang lidahnya.


~love letter~


i dont always tell you
that you mean more to me than anything...
i dont always tell you
that you brighten up my everyday...
i dont always tell you
what's in my heart
that you're my one and only love...

thanks for everything...

~a sugar freak?~


i need to control myself from taking too much sugar in my coffee, nescafe, tea and such...
if i'm really craving for carbonated or fizzy beverages, i should grab only the Tinge....or just forget about it and forced myself to look for merely plain, mineral water...
if i'm about to buy cookies like Chipsmore, i should pick the one with the 'less sugar' printed on its packaging...
i love loaves, any type of bread or bun, thus if i feel like eating one, please buy me the chocolate flavour one instead of redbean or else which has more total sugars....yes, i've checked, loaf with chocolate contains less sugar compared to the one with red bean inside...
dont put ice-cream in one of my must-routine-food list from now on...

serving me with sweet food or drink seem like i'd the best meal ever!

guys...dont try to tempt me with those if you really love me....please..:)

~don't afraid to treat me like an adult~

salam and hye all...

sometimes...you felt like you wanted to improve, to upgrade yourself in order to achieve some betterment...

sometimes...you convinced yourself that you are already an adult, you also wished to convince people that you already have the courage to do something that you never used to do before, but adult always do...

sometimes...you tried very hard to prove to yourself as well as others, and make them realized that you also have the talent and ability to do something just like others...

since you are climbing to the higher level of human development phase, you are gradually granted a lot of curiosity that caused you to try something that's new to you...

there's always something, some situations, conditions, person or people that stop u to do so...
you'll never learn, improve and be independent....:(

i know they love me more than anything but.....

~her day has come~

salam everyone...

 11 december 2010
...the day has come...

4 days ago was the last time i paid her a visit after the day she underwent an operation on her waist....
and starting from that, she could barely talk, hardly mouthing sentence or even a single word..plus, couldnt walk at all...
i got several signs indicating her death days before that but i chose to just keep to myself and revealed them hours after receiving the bad news...some of my family members also got several signs as my dad smelled kapur barus a night before...
what caused me a big regret and felt bad was my failure to stay with her, by her side till the last breath of hers...
i cant join them on the second and the third day of tahlil since im already here...:(

semoga arwah di tempatkan dalam kalangan orang-orang yang beriman...al-Fatihah.

~the 'fine' city~

salam everyone...:)
The Fine City

~result ok ke?~

salam maal hijrah everyone..
may this year ahead is better than the last....:)

hurm....result..?alhamdulillah...walaupun turun dengan mendadaknye....tp xpe i percaya dengan roda kehidupan...sometimes kite di atas and sometimes kite di bawah...

and whats more, Mr Semantics spoiled my result slip....He never failed to disappoint me..quiz 1,quiz 2, mid term till the end, final.....always...

and i mmg dh expect dah dngn result mcm tu coz last sem was the most hectic and torturous sem if compared to others...and mmg agak susah untuk maintain pointer yg lepas...x caye?just ask those yg pernah experienced it...

every time dapat result, i always have this in mind: Allah selalu beri apa yang saya mahukan tetapi sudah cukupkah saya memenuhi permintaan dan kehendak-Nya.....HE's so generous to me...

~perasaanku selama ini turut dikongsi oleh seorang teman~

salam and hello everyone...

sy kongsikan bersama satu post by a friend of mine, Azrai..
we were in the same school before, we surely at least once bumped into each other but we never talked to each other i supposed....

perasaanku selama ini rupenye turut dirasa oleh beliau...


"Ko biar betul azrai..mcm xprcaye je..ak respect ar kt ko!" - Bicara SMS yang tertera di skrin phoneku malam itu, datangnya dari seorang rakan lama setelah lebih empat tahun terputus hubungan, rakan yang tentunya akan menggenggam segulung ijazah sarjana muda tidak berapa lama lagi. Tapi aku? Bukannya aku tak pernah terasa pedih, bukannya aku tak pernah terasa malu mendepani kegagalan. Namun kutabahkan hati, kutebalkan muka menghadapi saat sukar yang kian berlalu. Aku tak pernah menangis walau pernah mengecewakan hati abah dan mengguris parut kesedihan di wajah emak. Aahh..keras benar hatiku ini agaknya!

Di kala termenung sendirian, roda kehidupan kembali terimbau di ingatan. Roda kehidupan yang sekejap membawa kita ke puncak dunia dan sekejap lagi bisa ke bawah semula. Terbayang kembali gelagat abah ketika keputusan UPSR diumumkan, sambil tersenyum abah mengisyaratkan tanda bagus kepadaku. "Wah! hebat betul abah. Belum sempat ku bilang dia sudah tahu rupanya!" bisik hatiku riang. Aku fahami kegembiraan di hati abah walaupun turut bersarang kebimbangan di hati emak saat menghantar putera tunggal mereka ini menuntut ilmu jauh di daerah orang. Manakan tidak, si kecil mereka yang masih bersuara halus ini akan ditinggalkan jauh bersendirian di tempat orang. Diakui aku turut sebak saat itu, tapi aku yakin dan percaya bahawa emak abah tahu apa yang mereka lakukan demi masa depanku. Benar, mereka lebih tahu kerana sekarang aku pun dah tahu.

Tiga tahun berlalu, kami berkelana lagi menuju ke daerah ilmu yang baru, bumi Hang Tuah nan bersejarah. Dalam aku bersemangat, rupanya bersemangat lagi kedua orang tuaku dalam memimpin langkahku bagi mendapat pendidikan terbaik. Masih basah dalam ingatan, titisan darah di jari abah yang terluka kerana terkena serpihan kaca ketika sama-sama membantu mempersiapkan perbekalanku pagi itu. Namun tangan tuanya tetap gagah memandu sepuluh jam tanpa henti demi anak terunanya ini. Emak pula walaupun tidak ikut sama, tapi doanya tentu setia menemani perjalananku. Tentu dia masih berkira-kira untuk melihatku menjadi seorang 'engineer' yang berjaya!

Hakikatnya, warna pelangi tidak kan berpanjangan, roda kehidupan tidak kan kekal setia di puncaknya. Dua tahun berusaha, namun keputusan SPM yang kuperolehi tak salah dari apa yang diduga. Firasatku tidak sesat dalam mentafsir maknanya. Mungkin usahaku selama itu belum cukup sempurna, lalu pencapaiannya sederhana cuma. Bukan result ku tidak bagus, malah masih boleh diiktiraf cemerlang oleh rakan-rakan sekampung. Namun realitinya tika itu aku berada di sebuah sekolah berasrama penuh yang dinobatkan sebagai sekolah terbaik Malaysia-SPM 2005, menyebabkan cahaya kecemerlanganku tenggelam dalam sinar kejayaan rakan-rakan seperjuangan, bak cahaya lilin menyinar di tengah hari.

Apa pun pendakianku tidak terhenti, aku sedar dan bersyukur dengan apa yang tertulis di 'sana'. Gagal menempatkan diri ke sebarang universiti terkemuka tanah air seperti mana rakan-rakan yang lain, aku kembali ke negeri Darul Makmur bagi melanjutkan pengajian di kolej matrikulasi dalam aliran sains fizikal. Nampak gayanya hasrat emak masih belum terpadam. Namun? Aduhai! nasib oh nasib. Tapi nasib juga aku tidak mengeluh panjang tentang nasibku saat itu, jika tidak entah apa nasibku sekarang, belum tentu sebaik hari ini. Masakan tidak, sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga pula, aku tersungkur lagi di pusat pengajian ini. Entah semangat yang lemah atau pemikiran dan minat yang berubah, semuanya serba tidak kena sepanjang pengajianku di sini. Melihat kepada 'result' semester awal yang sangat teruk, aku akhirnya mengambil keputusan untuk berhenti pengajian! Maafkan aku emak kerana gagal bergelar seorang Ir. "Tapi tak mengapalah, mungkin harapan itu boleh disandarkan kepada adik-adikku yang lain," keluh hati kecilku.

Kehilangan arah seketika, tiba-tiba abah kembali meniupkan angin dalam mengemudi perjalanan hidupku. Cadangannya agar aku menyambung pengajian dalam jurusan undang-undang & syariah diterima tanpa banyak soal. Entah mengapa itu pilihannya, aku tak ambil pusing lagi, yang penting kehidupan perlu diteruskan. Mungkin juga emak abah masih menyimpan secebis harapan agar aku tetap berkecimpung dalam bidang profesional. Bukankah kerjaya guaman juga tak kurang hebatnya berbanding doktor atau 'engineer'! Dengan minat yang sederhana pada mulanya, aku tiba ke sebuah kolej universiti yang pertama kali aku dengari namanya. Bagiku minat boleh dipupuk dan disemai, asal sahaja dipasakkan tekad yang teguh dan disusuli usaha yang jitu. Tekadku adalah untuk bangkit dari rebah yang panjang. Biarkan apa orang nak kata, yang penting aku tahu apa yang hatiku kata. Kebetulan pula saat itu aku banyak membaca dan memahami perkara baru mengenai kehidupan, langsung mengajarku agar tidak terus menangis. “La' Tahzan,” pesan Dr. 'Aidh Abdullah Qarni. Aku belajar untuk menjadi insan berjiwa besar dan bersemangat waja. Aku semakin mengerti tentang siapa diri ini dan kenapa ianya perlu lahir di dunia. Aku mulai sedar tentang hakikat takdir dan konsep masa yang sebenarnya.

Sememangnya tiada siapa menduga dalam sekelip mata takdir yang Esa memutarkan dunia pengajianku, 360 darjah, terus singgah ke alam lain yang tak pernah sekalipun aku mimpikan. Namun kini aku fahami segala suratan atau kebetulan yang melanda. DIA merancang kita merancang, tapi perancangan-Nya tetap yang terbaik.  Siapa sangka aku yang dahulunya terkenal pendiam bisa menjadi 'top student in law', bidang yang bukan sahaja memerlukan kepetahan berbicara malah kebijaksanaan memanipulasi sumber demi kebenaran dan keadilan. Malah, tidak mudah untuk rakan-rakanku percaya bahawa aku yang dahulunya pasif sempat menimba pengalaman mengemudi tampuk kepimpinan pelajar dengan jayanya, dihormati kawan dan lawan. Aku bukannya gila hormat tapi cuma mencari kehormatan! "Gila hormat dilarang tetapi menjadi orang terhormat harus menjadi tujuan," pesan Imam al-Ghazali.

Aku akui kadang-kadang bayu penyesalan masih tetap menyapa diri, tatkala menatap gambar kenangan rakan-rakanku di laman sosial. "Wah..seronoknya Maher 'berposing' sakan di depan roket pertama Neil Armstrong!" getusku tika menatap gambar sahabat karibku di zaman persekolahan dahulu. Albert si rakan sebelah mejaku pula begitu teruja bergambar kenangan di laman stadium Old Trafford, Manchester. Seronok sungguh mereka mengembara menuntut ilmu jauh di benua orang. Tapi aku? Aku masih tetap sedia di bumi bertuah ini. Walaupun sebak menebak sanubari, namun aku tak bisa lemas dalam air mata kegagalan kerana kuyakin pada firman-Nya bahawa sesudah kepayahan pasti ada kesenangan. Sekarang aku juga boleh berbangga dengan pencapaian diri, walaupun mungkin tidak sehebat mereka dan meskipun hasrat menjejakkan kaki ke menara gading masih dalam angan-angan. Sebenarnya aku tak kisah untuk menunggu dan ditinggalkan masa kerana aku sudah lama dan telalu banyak belajar dari sebuah 'Universiti Kehidupan'.


things to note:
- we shared more or less the same journey of life...but there r things yg xsme..mcm matrix tu mmg xla...i xsempat pun amik exam kt matrix as i quitted and went for something that's more precious to my parents.

- and for sure, we were hunting for different course...mine wasn't engneer at all...and ade lg yg xsme...but overall, we were in the same boat...

- maybe, after reading this post, some of u mesti ckp kitorg x bersyukur but u should put urself in our shoes...being in that so-called school, if u got 8As and below, you'd considered urself gagal or x cemerlang and our school plak mse tu sekolah terbaik SPM...only the school and ur frenz are the best but u?...and boleh dikira dengan jari berapa orang je yg masih di Malaysia....just imagine!

Allah knows what's best for us.. Allah merancang dan kita juga merancang, tapi ketahuilah perancangan Allah adalah tetap yang terbaik.

Setiap orang ada perjalanan dan kisah hidup yang tersendiri....tidak perlu kita bandingkan perjalanan hidup kita dengan perjalanan hidup orang lain..kita tetap berjaya walaupun jalan yang diatur oleh-Nya berbeza.

~malacca duck tour~

salam n hye readers...

let's quack with me around malacca historical city!!!!

There's a yellow kiosk of this Malaccan tour which stands beside Menara Taming Sari opposite Dataran Pahlawan.
This is an amphibious transport truck, developed by the United Stated during WWII, is definitely the most entertaining way to explore Melaka.

Although its Donald Duck-esque mascot is a little cheesy, this more or less one-hour journey will take you to visit all of Malacca’s historic sites in one go.

The tour guide is particularly entertaining as she doles out little details about Malacca’s attractions in a booming TV-show-announcer tone of voice.

an amphibian
as all in one land and sea tour!
first land-and-sea

- Operation Hours : 9am- 6pm
- Duration : 45-60 mins
- Tour subject to change due to weather condition without prior notice.
- The meeting point is at Pahlawan Taming Sari tower, there’s a duck tour kiosk

the fee

the route

The route would cover sites of interest such as Porta de Santiago (A' Famosa), Sultanate Palace, Independence Memorial Museum, Mahkota Parade and Pulau Melaka.

The Duck Tour will enter the Straits of Melaka from Floating Mosque (Masjid Selat) towards the Great Island (Pulau Besar)before entering back Banda Hilir at Melaka River.

let's read the history of the ducks


source here
picture googled

you can even book your ticket here

so, let's quack your way around malacca!

~save the day~

salam n hello readers!!

with mum
muke sdih xpat bersanding...

the chairs should be 6 of them but tu la ida..spe suh x abis study g...huhu...org yg amek diploma n degree next year dh abis...sy x abis2 g...sy abis sme je ngn org yg dh abis degree and master skali...sngt lmbt...hey..hey..ingat jd cikgu senang?

sometimes, i ngadu kat mum, mum would soothe me by saying that "ala u kua trus ade job...job's waitig for u...so don't worry" ...ok..npe nk ngdu kt mum?coz mum chose the course as well as the profession thus she'd responsible for it...hehe..

i could still remember when i was in my foundation year of studying, lecturers sllu tnye kat kami, y did we choose this profession?...mse tu sy gelabah xtau nk jwb ape...ble smpi my turn i pun tiru jwpn org sebelah..i jwb "i love teaching and i love children"..jwpn common..mse tu lecturer and all my coursemates kne tipu except for my close friends as they knew my hard time, my difficulty in excepting the reality that i was meant to be a teacher....but after that, bile lecturer tnye spe yg chose the teaching profession due to parent's choice....i was among the first person raising hand n klu bole mse tu nak angkat kaki skali...huhu..

but, i wasn't alone...i turned my head and i saw a number of hands up, indicating that they were in the same boat as mine.

truly, what brought myself eventually chose teaching profession was due to strongly holding this belief: keredhaan Allah terletak pada keredhaan and restu ibu bapa...that's y i just followed the flow, fulfilling my parents' wish...they know what's best for me...

your love towards something that u previously dislike can be developed gradually.
 believe me..:)

~Detox Foot Patch~

salam n hye readers!

Toksin sangat berbahaya jika terkumpul di dalam badan dan ia boleh memudaratkan kesihatan anda. Gunakan Detox Foot Patch untuk membuang toksin dan dalam masa yang sama boleh memberi penjagaan kesihatan yang baik kepada anda.

Detox Foot Patch
1 packet = RM20
10  pads in a packet

1 pad = RM 2.00

wood vinegar extract, bamboo vinegar extract, chitosan, plant power, vitamin C, tourmaline, cornstarch

  • membuang toksin
  • menigkatkan metabolisme
  • meningkatkan imunisasi
  • mencegah sembelit
  • membaiki struktur kulit
  • mencegah kaki berbau
  • mengaktifkan sel
  • anti penuaan
  • membantu peredaran darah
  • meningkatkan kualiti tidur
  • membantu meringankan beban pada sisitem imunisasi badan
*tidak sesuai utk orang mengandung



pada sape2 yg nak order bole email sy

if spe yg dh ade my fon no bole msg me

~the power of facebook, myspace and twitter~

salam n hello readers...

are u familiar with this article?
 for those who hve read Utusan Malaysia dated 24Nov 2010 would do
according to Akademi Pengacara Perkahwinan Amerika (AAML), 66% of the divorce cases are contributed from facebook, 15% from myspace, and 5% from twitter.

above newspaper article is not new to me as my mum do always keeps reminding me and siblings about that all this while...even though she doesnt have any fb account but she knows how fb works, what fb can and can't do, on how it has the power of influence that can make people addicted to it and such...how could she knw these? sometimes, she's just next to me while i ws facebooking, thus she silently observed my activity on fb...sometimes, she shocked me by prompting that "bdk2 skang ni, hal umh tngga smue nk crite kat org, ini smue boleh bwat cerai berai" as she came across one of the status posted by one of my friends...of course, the post was not a good one, talking bad about her husband...i agree with the fact that women are tend to be emotional...things become worsen as we, women seemd to tell everybody on the internet the problem we faced, purposely to be commented and for some, asking for a solution...

according to pendakwah bebas,pensyarah UIA, Zaharudin Ahmad in above article,he proposed that they should actually seek or consult people who have the authority to do so namely the parents, in-laws or siblings...
frankly, as a girl or woman, i believed that most of us love to share our personal life to others, the percentage is bigger if compared to man...we could rarely see men posted status about their conflict with their spouses or girlfriends right?..i knw there r such but just a few...im not trying to back up the opposite sex but it's a reality that is inevitable.

and whats more, divorces are also due to abdication of resposibilities towards their partner as they are really into and addicted to fb as well as jealousy for they spend more time chit chatting with their ex-gf or bf or future second wife or husband if compared to their spouses.

we, siblings, always be reminded bout our attitude once we r online...mum is always being a mum who concerns about everything....im not even once telling or having monologue to myself that mum is being busy body about my activity coz i knw mum has instinct and she knws whats the best for her children....even in this world of blogging, my mum knws that i love blogging and she knws what im blogging about...of course, she's not going to read each and every posts in my blog but generally..sometimes, i shouted to her ears that "mum, u are on the blog!!!!" she showed her blurred look and then i clarified by showing her pics in my blog...i would share almost evrything (not everything okay!) bout my personal life with mum for i told u before, mum is such a good friend or good company of mine...and i believed mum for my secrets are always safe with her.

*i bet not only my mum concerned about this, i once tgk one of my friends nye fb photo albums of her and her bf, and ade comment by her sibling i supposed on some of the pics, "kak, mama kate pic mcm ni xyah ltak dalam fb"....see...i cn prove it to u...

*my younger bro also read the article and he told me "kak ida nnti dh kwen xbole main fb dah"....sy xbwat ape2 salah pun..huhu..

*jgn sampai fb diharamkn mcm rokok as it gives bad impact and brings harm to others. it can be made possible okay!!

~valuable experience with the Sidek's and Roslin~

salam everyone...

mood: Sukan Asia..

i love badminton...dlu ptg2 slalu main badminton ngn parents and siblings kat depan umah...caya x?klu x caya, just ask my neighbours k.nadia and k.arina...tu pun klu dorg nmpk la...huhu..

even though Lee Chong Wei kalah, i tetap sokong die...Lin Dan mmg more experienced and skilled if compared to him....

Lin Dan mmg hebat...

tapi, ingt Chong Wei je pnah jd anak murid Haji Mohmed Misbun Dato' Haji Sidek? i pun pnah tau...x caye?

he's the coach leader

this was during my 5th years of elementary (standard 5)..i represented Malacca for this Klinik Badminton Kebangsaan....there were only three of us, two gurls and a boy for Malacca which all were also my schoolmates....we were chosen not because of we were good at playing badminton, but i couldnt remember well why we became the Malacca representative...
this Klinik Badminton was held at Kompleks Belia dan Sukan Negeri Johor..there, we mixed and mingled around with students from other states and to my surprise, only two of us were wearing tudung...yerla org sport sllu x pki tudung kn...hehe...but we were proud of being us...:)

Misbun was the coach leader with the help of other trainers namely Rashid Sidek, Jailani Sidek and Roslin Hashim...during the closing ceremony, Dato' Haji Sidek and his wife did came along too.
 and dpt gak jumpe Wak yg dalam crite kartun Anak-anak Sidek...suara je mcm org tua untuk menghidupkan watak Wak dalam crite tu but he's still young ok...so dont judge a person by just listening to his voice...:)

after attending the Badminton Clinic, i buka Clinic sendiri...eh x..i buka klinik badminton untuk my families je...dengan ilmu yg sy dpt, sy ajar dorg ckit2 la....cnthnye..cmne nak smash tajam mcm Lin Dan..hehe..
based on my observation, Lee Chong Wei nye smash xsetajam Lin Dan....and dats one of the factors that brought him to lose....but nvr mind, that can absolutely be improved ....:)

~u r one in a million~

salam n morning everyone....

sis, congratz on ur graduation
all d best in ur SPM

my family buat performance during her graduation day..eh x x..tipu...huhu

alatan2 ni considered as her school's heritage....so ade pantang larang...her teacher already warned them not to step on or cross over them but my mum forgot about the warning as she crossed over one of them...thus they were reprimanded...she asked for forgiveness in her own way by speaking to that thing...huhu

yesterday was her first paper
wah...ade pic plane lg...i got ur pointla...
a picture is worth a thousand words

even though we are far apart
our countless prayers and loves are always with u
all d best..give ur last best shot...

~hari ini dlm sejarah~

......sbb first time main bowling,and first throw strike plak 2...mamat kat sebelah pun terkjut...rse cm nk bgtau je mereka yg sy pun terkejut sbnrnya..huhu...tu la...dont judge a book by its cover ok..:)

~CST Production~

salam and hye all...

all this while, i occupied my leisure time by watching videoosss by CST production...lets share my interest and enjoy the videos....but make sure gather ur patience dulu coz after watching all the videos, i bet u will be craving for a marriage life...:)


~is he or she d right person?~

salam...hye all...

im currently reading Dr. Tuah's....
during one of his talks with UPSI students (if im not mistaken), one of the students asked him, "Dr.Tuah, mcm mne kte nk tahu seseorg tu mmg jdoh kita"..he answered her:
  • kalau hubungan itu banyak sngt air mata, itu tandanya dia bukanlah calon terbaik untuk kita, sebab kalau dalam bercinta pun selalu bergaduh, lagilah dh kahwin.
  • kalau hubungan itu banyak sangat masalahnya,mcm2lah masalah, termasuklah kemaksiatannya.
  • kalau sepnjng hubungan itu kita rasa mcm x tenang je. kn kite ni ada instinct indera keenam.gerak hati kita boleh bagi tahu kita apakah dia tu sesuai untuk kita atau tidak sesuai untuk kita.
  • kalau sepnjg hubungan tu, terlalu bnyk harta terpaksa dikorbankn, ia mungkin satu hubungan yang bermasalah dan dia boleh kita anggap bukan jodoh kita, sebab takkan kita nk jadi problem bila dh kwin, da tentu tak nak.
  • klu sepnjg hubungn tu, kita lebih cenderung untuk ingkari suruhan Tuhan, misalnya time solat dia tidak sembhyang malah tak galak pun utk sembahyang.
  • kalau lepas solat hajat , hati kita x senang pada dia, atau lepas soat istikharah, x ada petanda dialah jdoh kita, dia memg bukan jdoh kita.
he emphasized more on the last point....

~a night walk~


last nite, my bro and sis asked me for a night walk..i refused to join them at first as i ws not in d mood of outing...my mum supposed that i ws in no mood coz of i didnt have money...she started to look for her purse, scrutinizing it for a minute and came out with an amount...i refused to take the money (ank yg baik), responded her by saying that it's not financial matters..no mood at all...but eventually, i changed my mind...

we turned up at new-fresh look-Mahkota Parade...we just had a walk in 2 to 3 stores...they had actually planned for a karaoke...i told bro that i needed popcorn to entertain me while they were singing...still, i ws in no mood....so he bought it plus a milktea-honeydew-pearl drink for me...i put all in my large bag and acted innocently at the counter and managed to get in... relieved..hehe..

there, i ate and drank without stop, be in my own world, neglecting others...the room's ambience plus the songs by rock bands made me in no no mood still....suddenly my bro tuned up to romantics songs which i ws familiar with... i asked him to hand me one of the mics and started to duet with him....

then, i was d one who chose the next, next songs and i sang more compared to sis as she's not really into karaoke....the most was surely the bro as he paid for everythng..huhu..

next, on our way home, he drove me to hve a visit at malacca monorail station...

operation hour:
Monday - Sunday

the monorail station is just next to the river cruise

p/s: bro, i knw dats one of ur ways nk pjuk i psal hri tu kn..huhu..

~adorable guest~

salam aidiladha everyone..

my adorable guest for this eid adha...
dear, thnx 4 bringing her along yesterday..at last dpt jumpe gak ecah ni...

i talked to her more than i did to u yesterday
i entertained her more
i treated her more
i already missed her
i love her..
but dont u worry...
i love u more....

lovenote: thnx for d ole2 from cmeron especially the dried roselle and strawberrieess....love jeruk..u know me well...a life without jeruk is no life at all...:)
to sis and bro, cpat2 la kwen....i nk gak ank buah at least one...:)

~waiting is a bore~

date:14 November
venue: mahallah maryam

it's already 4.15p.m...i texted my sister purposely hinting that she should fetch me up by now...she replied by saying that she's looking for a new brand hp for dad, accompanied by bro...its already 4 and i ws still in my room alone...most of my coursmtes were already happily home....

in the morning, thnx to bros, udin n along as being so symphathetic to me as they skyped and webcamed me to relieve my boredom at least..i could see my sis was busy doing chores with mum at home....and thnx again to bros coz asking me for bowling....i enjoyed evry minute of it as i felt like it's like a real one for i could talk and at the same time shout to your ears, celebrating my strike as well as spare..hehe..

and i spent the whole day for translating too....i enjoyed doing it if it's less than 1000 words instead of 5186 words as i needed to rush in order to submit to her on Monday....thus, i searched for a translation website that could ease my work..thnx Citcat Website which hd lessened my burden...

personally,after experienced using it i supposed it's not really a good website as it doesn't really provide good translation ...it uses direct translation from Malay and maybe due to flowery language of Malay lang. but at least, i needn't have to type every single sentence or word, i just need to alter here and there instead of typing the whole paragraph..plus, to check whether it provides the apt words and meaning of the sentences that i intended to convey as well as the grammatical structures..if u wish to use this website translation, try not to take or copy paste everything..check them first...:)

~kerana ego sy menyesal~

kenapa jiwang2 sedih ni...?

~gray skies~


So many things as well as people made me sad today...n for sure, one of them was Mr.Semantics...he disappointed me lots...tawakal...

by right, i shouldn't be here...i should be on my way home...but things haven't worked out well for me... now i ended up here...lonely...
doing lots n lots of translation...boring....:(

~grant me patience~

salam n hye all....

hurm...i've packed my things...
im looking forward to take my last paper, not because im well-prepared for it, but it indicates that my sem break will begin soon...
plus, i knw that i am missed...and my parents are waitng for my homecoming...

thats all for now..
Mr.Semantics is staring at me and impatiently waiting for a date....gtg..:)

~morning bliss~

salam everyone...


just to share something for u all to ponder...
  •  if we r studying, plz ensure that we study mainly becoz of Allah, to seek His pleasure...
  • we should apply the knowledge gained as our guidances to lead both wordly and heavenly life...for instance,we memorized the characterictics of Islamic civilisation for UNGS paper and applied it in our daily life...
  • we considered our studying, stayed up late at night or burnt the midnight oil for studying as ibadah but then we missed the most important ibadah which is the Subuh prayer the next morning...HE won't help us....

jika kita cantik di mata manusia, tidak semestinya kita cantik pada pandangan Allah...
jika kita dibenci oleh manusia tidak semestinya kita dibenci oleh Allah...
but make sure we did the right things....

all these are reminders not only for my friends but me as well coz we failed to realize and tend to forget sometimes....

~gazillion of thanks~

salam..hye all...

hurm....just a short post for today....

just to say thanks to all readers both old n new one....

but special thanks to those yg first time drop by my blog....i know la...u r caught...huhu...

that's all for now...let's reflect ourselves and selamat beramal.....:)

~actions speak louder than words~


dear hamba Allah,

do u know that sometimes, i was awaken by your high pitch voice?
do u know that sometimes, i didn't get enough rest and sleep due to several awakenings?
do you realize that sometimes, you are busy discussing, excitedly, and other people are sleeping or studying?

the most important thing is that pernah ke i got mad with u due to this?
xpnah kn? coz i know we are living in a COMMUNITY or SOCIETY and being civilised...so i should bear it, be tolerant,
and so do u...
but....................................u don't.....

is it fair?

im not a type of person that u can make a fool of.... mcm lembu dicucuk hidung (btul ke this phrase)....
i have my right....

and ingat, actions speak louder than words....i remember more what u hve done rather than u hve spoken....so ckp biala serupa bikin....kalu nk tgur org make sure u pun xbuat bende tu...

p/s: during this sem exam week, last night was the FIRST time we did group discussion in my room but unfortunately ended up with this....and this morning u plak yg bwat bsing....lawakla wei!!!

~am i too old?~

salam....hye all....

Cracked Heel Cream
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It provides a unique moisturizing system that works both on and under the surface of your skin.
It contains herbal ingredients namely Franch OIL, intensive hydrating and moisturizing properties that will leave your dry skin feeling smooth and luxurious. 

For best results, apply the cream to problem areas twice daily. It relieves discomfort and helps prevent damages against harmful elements.
It suitable for sensitive skin.

i'm only 22 okay..grrr...:(
i've tried this...it works for me and i think it could work for u too..:)


salam everyone....

last night, i told one of my friends that im so worried bout dr.Walid's paper for i knw he's unpredictable lecturer....the answers or explanation given today sometimes are not the same as yesterday thus getting me into troubles...
my friend soothed me down by saying that "grades don't measure intelligence"...i do agree with her and already had it in mind since i ws in school....

hurm....can i say grades do measure diligence?....diligent, intelligent or else?..which category are u in?..at least try to grade urself otherwise, u r like an empty tin that's produced by a factory called university.....

sometimes...we tend to memorize info and not necessarily knowledge for we didn't understand them  first....we just poured them during exams...

sometimes...we put hard work, trying to comprehend them first, but still failed to do well in exam for we didn't know how to tackle the exam questions...

Saya tidak tahu apa kunci kejayaan, tapi kunci kegagalan adalah mencuba untuk membuat semua orang senang....

~depths of my soul~


don't tell him that he's lucky to have me
for i'm not a perfect person...
and nobody's perfect though...

sometimes i tend to isolate myself from d crowd for i found that crowd can be destructive to me sometimes... people tend to bad-mouth others or groups that don't have the same belief, notion, characters as theirs...i started to grapple with the bad and good side of me then, eventually brings me into conflict with myself as either to join or choose not to respond to any....

i realized that there's not only sugar in life....sometimes, people consciously or intentionally put salt and pepper into it thus making it colourful....
and bear this in mind, don't expect me to be always on the top and being nice and good for i've experienced failure and being hated by people due to my breakthrough or else...
i love competition but it should be only healthy competition....i hate people who r always scrutinizing me or simply say being busy body in every second and minute of my time....maybe to check whether im studying or sleeping soundly and they happily went back to their room....

i love sharing...giving and taking....specifically dessiminating info or knowledge and hoping others will do the same to me...plz give me room and chance to be free rider sometimes...acquiring and disseminating knowledge and giving info are two different things...acquiring knowledge requires hardwork coz it involves understanding....in the context of test or quizzes, im willing to give answers to ppl but i hardly asked theirs, not bcoz they r not convincing but.....i have reasons for that.....that's y i rarely felt so down if i got low marks coz i knw Allah is all-knowing......

satisfaction and happiness wont accompany me if my success is actually not the real well-deserved one....

~beliau sangat bertuah~

hope bace link below....beliau sngt bertuah...:)

pengalaman beliau berjumpa Rasulullah...

~it's not a go0d start~

salam and hye all...
today is my frst paper and im not doing very well...due to time constraint, i didnt get chance to check my writing, not even once... plus, there r info or things in mind but i couldnt express and pour them into my answer paper..
it's all about time management...i feel bad..:(

the questions covered 100 marks...dats y there were lots of them...
it's not a good start i supposed...

~thought of d day~

salam everyone..

this thing came across my mind several minutes ago....and i need to pour my thought here...
don't u ever think that somtimes, not only sometimes i should say but always, Allah being sooo generous to us...
if we reflect ourselves, HE gives us everything that we r longing for without needing us to repay HIM....
HE grants our wishes, what makes the difference is just the time, within a short or long period of time...
HE gives us good life, chances, positions, grades or marks even though we commit sins everyday...we tend to forget Him and just seek HIS refuge and blessing when we are in need...let's reflect...

to that hamba Allah,
be grateful for the happiness and good life that Allah has granted to you all this while...i bet you have already got almost everything....
and i hope you will improve yourself for the betterment of your future undertaking....

 i do lots of thinking maybe......

~life as we knew it~

don't make me cry anymore coz im in d mood of studying...
i'll put aside everything and try to realize all my dreams...
i know i've lots of responsibilities and commitments...
i've kept promises thus i shouldn't break them....
i still have healthy mind that is able to differentiate the bad and the wrong...

and the most salient point i intended to stress here is that no one can replace loves of my families that are flourished since the first till last breath of mine...i can guarantee....

pray for my success in both worldly and heavenly life...:)

~at random~

Mum, sis…don’t get through me, don’t text me asking about my homecoming anymore…I can’t make it on Friday..i’ll be home a day after…just wait…:)

I can breathe right now and I need a walk…but haven’t got a chance to...:(

Hurm...my blog seems as if an album as there are a lot of photos here… I dislike all words in ppl’s blog as mere words are boring…unless it’s a motivational word…some of my friends already knew that I loved to read motivational words, quotations or sayings…during my 20th bufday, they gave me cards that were packed with lots and lots of motivational words…and i would love to read them especially when I felt down..

huh...people are now busy talking about the exam which is just around d corner...my heart started to thud audibly against my ribs and my breath seemed to get stuck in my throat.... indicating that im not prepared yet and not ready for any....God please..slower d time from ticking too fast coz im not running instead, still walking...

~love wedding~

salam everyone...:)
hurm....berblogging di multiply.com is just meant for assgnment as i'll be given marks at d end of d day....but blogging di blogspot tidak mndapat ape2..just a hobby during my leisure time...and i enjoy doing it...:)
and one more thing..i'm not craving for more marks eventhough i feel that sometimes i deserve it due to some reasons...feel free to visit my multiply.com blog...

"don't strive for As, what's the purpose of getting 3.9 as all of u will be a teacher. my students who got excellent result in their studies ended up being a mere teacher but those who were not doing very well in their schooling, now being a principal, GPK and so forth" (Dr.Z, 2010)

yup, that's right but it's just for our own satisfaction....

and i do love blogging for the same reason as well...for my own satisfaction...
i love wedding thus most of my posts are about people's wedding...d same goes to this post...so, enjoy~

 cousin's wedding

the dais

 all in all, i love both red and green modern style baju itu ek..but my mum once told me that she wanted to see me wearing songket during my big day nanti....huh...but lme lg la i nk kwen..hehe..

owh sudah lame fmily2 kami x bwat majlis mcm ni ek...smue nak tunggu anak2 mak sy kwen dulu...huhu.

~friendship remains can never end~

salam everyone...

above status was posted yesterday and the minute i post it, it managed to catch people's attention as
a number of people started to get through me by texting and calling me asking my condition that time.
thanx to friends for being concerned
you are highly appreciated
love u all~

~time flies too fast for me to catch~

salam everyone..

i was weekending at somewhere special which was Limpahan Kasih Orphanage as i had a programme there.but it was just for one day which was Saturday.
we organized some activities for the orphans there and one of the most unforgettable experiences was cleaning the orphanage areas.

next was group discussion. each group was assigned to perform a short drama or sketsa on different folk tales. my group got Peteri Beradu. during the discussion, i realized one of my group members' tears streaming down her cheek as she was eyeing on some of the orphans.i could feel the same way as she did during my first orphanage visit months ago. thus, for yesterday, i resisted myself from staring or eying on them for so long as i was afraid of the same thing would happen to me.

my group members

fatullah & hazim
we love u that's why we were there

we arrived at UIA at about 8.oopm. longed for enough rest b4 attending group discussion at 10.00pm. i went to bed earlier for an hour sleep but was awaken by calls and messages from ppl asking and reminding me bout assgnments which totally spoiled my mood. i couldn't get even a nap within that time and ended up hurrying to group discussion.

i long for a break and am always looking forward to it
i need at least a minute to breathe
i miss strolling around with families and friends
i dream of going out with my beloved ones....
time flies too fast for me to catch
im still here, freezing...:(